Underfloor lights

An energy container, Rou couldn't help but compare it to the crystal he touched before arriving in that strange world. Focusing his gaze on the ice shard, Rou could see that it had a more opaque glow than the one Captain Holland was carrying, moreover, the shard was much larger and seemed to have less detail around it.

Instinctively, Rou took the crystal in his hands.

"When a hunter collects energy from her prey and runs out of room to get more, they use these crystals to have an extra reserve source in case they get depleted," Erina wasn't surprised when the crystal in Rou's hands started to glow, only those with life energy in their bodies could handle those crystals and activate them.

"It doesn't seem to work," Rou said, questioning Erina's thoughts.

"Is my crystal broken?" asked Erina approaching Rou to take the crystal in her hands.

Erina's soft skin touched Rou's face, who inadvertently took advantage of her as he felt for a moment two icy spikes with a small pink bulge in the center.

"Your crystal is fine, it just doesn't work like I thought it would."

Erina felt calmer as she listened to Rou's words. Noticing that her hair had come untied from her sudden movement, she untied it to fix it again.

"Truly spectacular," Rou said. Erina's beauty was something wild yet innocent, had she been a few years older, perhaps Rou would not have hesitated to pounce on her upon hearing that she wanted it that way, but his mind was still attached to his morals.

"You said something," Erina turned her face towards Rou with her hair once again fixed.

"Nothing...Erina, your teacher seems to have been following the teachings in this book, still, I can't understand why you would want to get more strength, is there something currently attacking them," Rou asked.

"There is," Erina said taking a pause. "Ghosts are not the only dangers in this world, as I said before, our villages are connected by subway tunnels to hide us from the beasts on the surface. Some of them can cross the earth destroying our communication routes, that's why, the slayers are in charge of eliminating those creatures before they reach our villages. Besides, their taste is something you will love," she added, revealing a charming smile.

Rou listened to Erina's words, apart from the ghosts, which were the beings capable of wiping out everything on the surface, Gali's village was in constant danger due to the species of beasts that came out to hunt near the tunnels.

Looking at Erina's body, Rou's companion gradually gained strength.

"Rou, are you ready to help me," Erina asked as she noticed a beast awakening from its slumber between Rou's legs. As a warrior on her way to becoming a hunter, she knew a little about the bodies of the men around her, besides the images she saw in her teacher's book, but unlike them, Rou's partner seemed to be more dominant and bigger than them.

Rou did not compare his partner to other men, he knew his size was above average, being somewhat threatening to any inexperienced woman.

Still, Rou continued to send blood flow to his partner seeking to arouse him, all to assist Erina in her ritual. The Gali women seemed to have tried to practice the techniques on their male companions, yet after several unsuccessful attempts, one of them decided to try it on one of her hunting companions.

The result came within a short time, the first pair of female hunters who practiced the teachings of life, so they called it in the villages, were gaining more strength with each battle won. At that point, Gine was an expert, she not only had a special partner, with whom she increased her strength and her knowledge of life energy, but she formed a connection with the other villages, holding a village meeting so that the younger hunters could more easily accept the teachings of life.

"Have you done this before," Rou asked seeing the nervousness in Erina's movements.

"Y-Yes, of course I have, who do you think I am," Erina said unable to hold a word without stuttering for a moment.

Erina was completely red, and didn't dare hold Rou's gaze, who was silently running her back in places no one else had ever touched before.

"Clearly it's a lie," Rou thought. Although Rou was a virgin in both lives, he remained calm at all times guiding Erina's hand to his mate. "If I remember correctly, you must first meet your mate before using the teachings of life," Rou said quietly.

Erina nodded her head slightly, and carefully lifted her face remembering the words written in the book.

Rou watched as the girl next to him closed her eyes, and clasping her hands tightly, she approached Rou's face ready to begin her ritual.

Gone was the wild girl who attacked Rou, now she was just a girl who had lost control of the situation and was eager to take another step into adulthood.

"Thank you for your help Lysiah, to think that our little Erina would be so bold to try to rob the whole village of the blessing that came to us."

The torches in the room were lit, Gine along with four women surrounded the partially naked couple and separated them before Erina could begin her ritual.

"Mistress, I...," Erina tried to excuse herself as she noticed that the women at Gine's side were the ones in charge of delivering punishment in Gali's village.

"Little Erina," Gine advanced towards Erina and cupped her face to get a better look at her golden eyes. "If it wasn't for Lysiah's help, at this moment I would be forced to kill you for your audacity."

Lysiah lowered her head as she listened to her teacher's words. She knew Erina well and didn't hesitate to warn her teacher so that she wouldn't be punished by the village, if it wasn't for them arriving in time, her friend would have been killed on the spot for her treachery.

"Take her to jail for five days until the new hunt begins. Erina is forbidden visitors, I hope you can tell your other friends," Gine added looking at Lysiah.

"Yes master, we will make sure your word is kept," Lysiah left with the four women to leave Erina in the village jail.

Gine looked at Rou's companion who was still standing firm, pointing menacingly at her, throbbing every so often. "You are certainly not like the others," Gine said throwing a leather shirt and pants at Rou.

"As your master I must set an example, I can't give in to this pressure," Gine thought as she felt her intimacy grow moist.

Rou took the garments and quickly put them on. His partner was still awake and had no intention of sleeping until he was free of his pressure.

The look on Gine's face did not go unnoticed in Rou's eyes, and with a sway of his hips, he teased the woman, who was like an Amazon warrior, tanned skinned with short, wild, shoulder length hair.

"Do you think I'm like one of my apprentices," Gine took Rou with one of her hands and led him out of the room down a long dark hallway that ended in the center of a square filled with oil lamps hanging from the cave's ceiling. "Take a good look, if you think you can deal with me, then all of them will come, do you think you're strong enough?".

Rou's eyes kept wandering over the bodies of the women walking among the food tents stationed at the side of the road. Each of them wore a small leather suit, just enough to protect sensitive parts, where some wore an extra set of armor covering a little more skin.

Some of the women stood still when they saw that a man was standing next to their master, but they were more shocked when a group of female hunters recognized him when they saw the large amount of energy around Rou's body.

Rou reckoned that the women running in his direction had a matter to discuss with Master Gine, but seeing the same Erina's eyes on them he had another idea.

"You've already understood your place," Gine said confident that her performance had affected Rou.

"Yes master," Rou said bowing his head. "Rou is willing to accept your proposal."

Gine couldn't believe the words that came out of Rou's mouth, all the men she knew were weak in the physical area and inside the bed, what kind of scoundrel Rou must have been to not hesitate to say he was willing to take every woman in front of him.

"You must be dreaming if you think I'm going to fall for your words. Erina was still very young, but now you send me to a group of beauties willing to stand by my side even with all my fat, I can do nothing but thank you for that," Rou thought as he watched the women ask the master to release Rou to get to know him better.

At one of the stores where they sold a large amount of nuts, Latisha held the arm of a woman who was a more mature version of her. "Mother, he is the traveler who came along with the slayers."

"So it's him, it seems that little Gine will have a lot of problems from now on, I'm looking forward to meet that one you call a traveler," Relena, Latisha's mother was surprised to notice the dense cloud of energy that was emitted from Rou's body, even master Gine could not generate such an amount of energy after being victorious in hundreds of battles.