Birth of a Monster?!

Now it's all getting a little fuzzy, as my senses are getting lost in all the blood and dizziness, and trying to even grasp even the earliest of memories is impossible. It's like a weighted blanket has been put over my very soul, preventing me from feeling or remembering anything. Ironically, I had thought that I had people I could trust for so long, that I forgot how untrustworthy this world could be. Silly me.

Anyway, I started to have a sensation of falling. This feeling of falling did not stop for some time, to the point which I think I might be stuck like this forever. However, after many struggles of trying to slow down, I felt a massive impact on what I could assume is my chest, and suddenly my vision was filled with a bright white light. trying to move my arms to block the light, I used my spatial awareness to find out that I didn't have any arms, legs, OR head for that matter.

'Where the fuck did my fucking body go?!' I shouted, but only in my head, as I also realized I did not have a mouth to speak with. This was the time for any normal person to have a mental breakdown, but I started laughing. It was a cold laugh, one you might hear someone have in an insane asylum.

'What a way to go out, dying in n alleyway and hallucinating that I am in heaven. Wait a minute… is this heaven? It certainly was bright enough to be, but I did not get that vibe that it is very safe.

'Best survey the layout of this place.' Bumping around in the blinding light, as I have no eyes to see, I could tell that my body, or whatever you call this thing I am, is extremely small and round, based on me rolling on the ground, measuring how long it takes me to do a complete roll. It was only when I bumped into a huge mass (guessing a pebble) that I was launched into the air like previously. This happenstance proved that I was slightly denser than air, and not by much.

As I am living, I can assume that I am an organism, because there's no way something like a rock could do such a thing as voluntary rolling. And taking into account my size, mass, and weight, I can assume it is neither a mammal nor a large plant, so it must be some type of microorganism or some fungi. Not many microorganisms have no mouths so the process of elimination makes me some type of spore.

Then again, I could be wrong about this and feel like an idiot if I ever find a way to check out what I am, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Of course, living on the streets could not have reached me this, and both my parents neither had the time more the care to teach me even the basics of any type of education. I have to give all the credit to my gang, who I rolled with for about 6-7 years.

Thinking about such things brings back very bad memories, so I best stay away from that subject, lest Jerry comes back. Of course, I have kept him hidden from everyone for a very, very long time, so I don't think I have to worry about him for just as long.

'So, using the knowledge I have to guesstimate that I am a spore, I'll just keep launching myself till I find what I came from, which is probably some type of mushroom, as they have the most prominent type of air-borne spore.' I thought. So, trying again aaaaaaand for what seemed like a day, however, I don't know how time works here, I rinsed and repeated the rolling, bumping, and flying till I rotated a full 360 degrees in every direction until I finally found something that was not cold and hard. And yes, I have a slight sense of touch, however, I do not know why a spore has such a feature.

However, this was not the type of texture I would expect for a mushroom to have, based on the specimens I studied in the Library. it was slightly bristly, sort of a solid base, but moves with the slightest, well, movement. trying to think of what it could be, I was suddenly thrown off of it, falling to the ground. before I could grasp what had happened, I was stomped on, or what I assume happened, due to the massive pressure I felt exerted onto me, which vanished as quick as it came, launching me into the air.

Seconds later, a ding sounded in the air, making me have a little feeling of nostalgia.

{Integration complete...Evolution System installed.}

{Status Sheet loading...90%...Complete!}

Trying to process everything that had just happened, my vision turned from being blinding white to a hazy mess, just like putting filters on glasses, basically blinding myself. with this new 'vission', a little beige arrow popped up in the upper right hand of it, which is new. Curious and excited about what I thought it is, I focused hard on it and found it brought up a beigish-colored screen called . This sent shivers through my system. Not out of fear or worryment, but out of pure and untamed elation.

As I do not know where I am, and it seems so unrealistic to call it Earth, so I will call it "Alter", as in alternate Earth. Short and sweet. The cave I am in is probably part of another world or some shit, but I will call it Alter for now. Something scary, to most, is that I was, just like I thought I might be, reincarnated in another world, or reality, and just encountered an unidentified creature, probably one that could kill me in an instant if I am not careful.