Time Skip?!

After many calculations and reminiscing on my experience, though not kindly, I found that a pressurized trampoline would work best. A pressurized trampoline is a super compressed spring that when I release it, will launch me about 100 fold what the pebble did, which would amount to 3 times the speed of sound if I was a jet. Normally spring-loaded contraptions have more complicated mechanisms to load them and stop them from automatically activating, but I had a much simpler way of doing that, and, guess what, it has to do with my only skill, [coalesce]. The compression part will be made by the spores I collected, which I will compress as tight as possible, and then stack rock dust below me, as I am on a very sharp angle if I want myself to launch in a specific direction.

After many trials and errors, I managed to compress all 1,258 of the spores to the same size, making a super spring. Now all that was left was the positioning of the rocks and, of course, myself. But before I did so, I checked on the mushrooms I planted. Yes, I said mushrooms.

It turns out that they are much more adaptive than regular mushrooms, and have already grown to full maturity in the past 7 ST *Spore Time* days. However, they have not done enough adapting to reproduce yet, which is what I want. As anyone could guess, getting stronger means an increase in strength, or my case, mass.

And the only permanent way I found so is the collection of spores. So, as a 3 step process, I plant, wait, and collect the freshly made spores from the planted mushrooms, or "Alter Shrooms" as I have called them. After finding out they are close to fertilization, I quickly stacked the rock particles, compressed the spores, and, like a man going to the moon, launched myself into the unknown.

I know, I know, you're gonna say "you said that you could see in every minute detail every surface in the cave." Before I start berating you for not following along, I will say that due to all this isekai stuff happening to me, in an alternate universe, I am being written about by an author somewhere, so I find it appropriate to break the fourth wall sometimes. I will paint you a picture.

Imagine yourself bound and without the ability to hear, and all you can do is look at flat surfaces. If the lack of hearing or sense of direction does not drive you insane, imagine having limbs to reach out and touch things instead of using your body. Let's also say you touched every surface, but could view it on a 2D scale, so it looks like your is an oval-oid box with no texture other than detail on the flat surface, and in my case, crack and water droplets, nothing more. Now imagine that but on an almost microscopic level.

Most people would go crazy from either boredom or a mental fortitude breakdown, and resulting in suicide or self-harm. A seemingly inescapable prison. However, any person who would not break down by such things would try every possible thing they could to survive and find out more about their situation and surroundings. That is what I am currently doing.

So don't give me any illogical shit saying how my method of giving out metaphors is trash and I should just die. I will escape this cave with my life. Anyways, back to me flying in the air, feeling free without any restraints. Oh, and by the way, in case you, readers, were wondering how I would get back to my mushroom farm, I brought all of the spores with me, like a kite tail.

Normally this would slow something bigger than me down, but when you're as small like me, it does not affect the speed much. If anyone who was human saw me, they would think it was a piece of hair floating through the air at lightning speed, at least for a piece of hair. Funny thing is that, when not connected with solid ground, I could not see as clearly as I could when connected to the ground. In some ways, it made sense but was not helpful to see where I was heading.

After what seemed like hours in ST, I hit a wall. As usual, I dropped like a rock and landed on what I could only assume was a crevice in the wall. What luck! With this info, I can infer that there are other ledges like this one in this cage of a cave. I immediately set up a second mushroom farm as I planted 69 more spores.

Knowing how well they can adapt, I did not have to worry about the environment I was placing them in. This left me with exactly 1,189 spores left. After that, I set up the pressurized trampoline, or PT to abbreviate it, and did the same process repeatedly. This repetition lasted for about a couple of years, and even then it probably was still longer.

Normally, any living organism dies after a certain period, especially if it lived in not great conditions. But then again, Alter Shrooms were like other plants I've known. They must have a different source of energy they need to stay alive. So, if my theory is correct, my species could live forever if the flow of the mysterious energy is constantly being supplied.

There are 5 more pros to the years of flying I've done, and number one is the source of my species' vitality, which are glowing crystals, which I call Alterian Energy, but in crystallized form. Very original names, I know. But what else am I supposed to do when I have no info to go off of?

Another pro I found while launching myself is that my mental state, as well as my physical state, has not deteriorated during the many years I used to map out the layout of the cave, which is not just a cave, but I will get to that in a minute. Anyway, as both states have not deteriorated, I came up with a theory that the adaptability of the Altar Shrooms is passed onto me, as well as the other spores produced, which is the next thing I am going to be talking about.