Deep Throating 100 Swords!

"Same goes for me, double!" Agras chuckled, regaining his former composure. After wiping the tears from his eyes, he finally realized that the magnificent me had arrived. Looking quite confused, he looked back and forth between me and the village elder.

"Why have you brought a slime into a weapons shop, Garren? Are you planning to use it as materials or something?" Argas said with an incredulous voice. It would again seem that my theory was correct in assuming that slimes were very looked down upon because they were weak. This was great news to hear, as it would not hinder my plans. The Elder, whose name is Garren, shook his head as he was going to have to explain the entire situation to him. Not that I care much, it's just that all that matters in this situation is that my cover is not blown. Anyways, I am pretty curious to hear what he is going to say.

"I was taking a peaceful walk through the hills on the edge of the village when I saw my daughter running towards me full speed, concern etched on their faces. Noticing something was not right, I hurried over to them and asked what was wrong. ' T-their is a mim-mimicking slime i-in your hut!' Penelope said to me. My other daughters all nodded, seeming to agree with her. Thinking that this was a serious problem, as usual, I rushed towards my house to find a rusty and rotten ax on my table. Before I could reach for it, I seemed to dissolve and turn into the shape you are seeing now. Anyways, that is not the most amazing part! When I lent it my sword, it perfectly mimicked it, and even sharpened it and improved its reach! When I thought of all the weapons we could improve with this thing, I immediately thought of bringing it to the best weapons shop and smith." Garren said with a wink.

Although I thought it was very cringy, and Garren was doing it just to get Argus to agree to his request, The Hubble shop keeper had his ego boosted, so he could not see he was being buttered up. Nodding to the compliment, Argas stretched out his arms to take me out of the Elders's hands, which Garren reluctantly did. Making a slime-looking transition from me dripping from Garren's hands in the weaponsmith was pretty convincing if I do say so myself.

"I'll see if I can get it to copy my weapons, and see if it indeed improves the quality of it, and whatever else you said it could." Argas dismissively said, waving for Garren to leave. With the face Garren made, it looked like his day was soured greatly by letting me go. I guess that I'm just so amazing that he never wants to part with me. It's ok, I will be back to you soon. Just you wait.

Anyways, Argas brought me behind the counter, opened a door, and went into what I would assume is his workshop. I could tell this by imprinting constantly, and what I found is that lining the walls were hundreds of intriguing weapons, some bows, some spears, and some giant swords that look like they could only be handled in anime. It's a good thing that I have enough spores to copy all of them.

Anyways, there was also a flaming forge, not that I could feel the heat. It was literally on fire. Setting me down on a metal table, he went over to one of the smaller weapons, a dagger to be precise, and placed it next to me, crossing his arms in anticipation.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Do the thing!" he shouted, impatient. Well, he did have a reason to be mad because I was purposefully taking a while to copy it. The reason I was taking a long is that it would increase the surprise and awe that Argas would have when he sees that I could perfectly mimic all of the weapons, and also improve them. While he was tapping his foot on the blackened stone, I slowly inched my way towards the dagger, covering it with my spores.

Watching with interest, I finished copying it and immediately morphed into it. The dagger itself looked like a masterpiece. The intricate engraving on the blade and the wooden handle was immaculate, looking like it was made for royalty. The reason he must have picked this one is that he wanted to see how perfect I could copy it.

Seeing that I have perfectly copied it, and did not go back to what they thought my original form is, his eyes widened to saucers, thinking that he has found the world's greatest tool. After that first dagger, he continued to give me more and more complicated weapons, more so than I could ever imagine. They were so complicated that I started to think that the dagger he first showed me was just a throwaway weapon. I now know why this place was held in such high esteem by the leader of this village, populating in the thousands.

After hours and hours of repeatedly copying weapons, the shop owner finally ran out of weapons for me to copy. It felt like I was deep throating all of them, which is a very uncomfortable feeling, if you know what I mean. If I had a brain to memorize all of this, it would probably be turned to mush by all the info i needed to process in order to perfectly copy all of them. With the face Argas was making, he probably was in such a buzz that he had not realized he took out every weapon to see if their was anything that i could not copy. Finally running out of things for me to copy, he slumped down against an anvil, his chest heaving up and down in exertion.

"That took more time than I thought. What stuff are you made of to be able to memorize hundreds of expertly crafted weapons, I wonder? Anyways, their is no way I am going to let such an opportunity get away from me. For the next couple of weeks, I will be making the best sword I have ever made, and this slime will help me make it better than I can ever imagine!" He said to himself, lost in delusion. I honestly don't know what he has to prove by making the best weapon in the village, which is what I assume he meant by the best sword.

"Oh, that reminds me. Their is one last thing that I wanted to try before I call it a day." Argas said, while taking out a necklace made of gold links, with a crystal like ring hanging from the center, not unlike the crystals I found in the temple. I wonder what those crystals could have originated from. Anyways, as Argas looked fondly at the ring, rubbing it, he took it over to me and gently placed the necklace next to me, looking like wanted me to mimic it. With no other option, I did as he wanted, and mimicked it with incredible speed, as it was not as complicated as the weapons I just Memorized. While in the necklace form, the weapons shop owner picked me up and put me on instead of his original one, which he took to a black box in the back of the smithy, which I could only assume to be a safe.