Morning Wood?!

There are 2 dressers, one king-sized bed, and a desk. One dresser had clothes stacked in haphazard piles and shirts hanging out of some drawers. The second drawer seemed more worn down than the first dresser, like an old antique. The thing that intrigued me the most is that my spores could not sense what was inside it, even though the keyhole. This made me determined to find out what was in the dresser.

However, that should come later, for I need to get Argas to let me out into the field of battle, for my first plan to work. To do that, I need to gather spores, which help the effectiveness of the Memorization. Let's see… *click*

{Spore Count: Alter Spores-3,978,365,102,}

{Bone Spores-7,990}

It seems I have added quite a few spores, however not any bone spores. It would seem that the new spores I get would have to come from organic material, at least until I come across something more exotic than stone. Anyways, setting aside the weird dresser for another time. Finally, the desk.

The desk was a classic wooden desk, nothing really special about it. There was a pen set on it, crumpled paper on the floor next to it. It would seem that there is an old book on the edge of the desk, which could be a diary or a book he is writing. With all the excess paper, one would assume that he was writing a novel. But It is also possible he is creating a diary in case something bad happens.

With that identified, I noticed Argas taking me off and putting me on the clothing dresser. Hanging on one of the nobs to open the drawer, I sensed Argas flopping into bed, immediately falling asleep. And, to regain my former strength, I morphed back into the slime form, rolling outside the store, village, and toward the strong connection, I always feel. My cave.

Cautiously rolling along the forest floor, I continued rolling towards the source of the connection, which I would hope to be my cave, defiled with trillions of spores. Once I got there, it was exactly how I left it, which was very lucky. I was not the best camouflage in the world, but it worked, and that is all it matters. Removing the leaves from the giant boulder, I used my skill to move it. Since I have lost so much, it was incredibly hard to move. It was like trying to move a 100-pound weight with one finger.

But that did not mean that it was impossible to move, only that it took an immense amount of patience and perseverance. Good thing I had all of those, plus infinite stamina didn't hurt to have as well. After exactly four hours of budging, I was able to slip through a small crack. The first thing that I saw when I entered my old home was appalling, even for me.

I saw a rotting corpse of the Stomp Hopper that I accidentally sliced in half. Maggots and other larvae were wiggling and digging out its flesh, looking like swiss cheese, except ten times grosser. Quickly averting my 'gaze', I looked in the backroom that I made, where I last left all my spores. It felt like looking at a pile of cash, only that you could use it to do so much more.

With a passion, I quickly absorbed about one-tenth of it, which still gave me billions, 2,120,398,265,109 to be precise. Making sure that the people of the village won't suspect anything, I compressed myself to match the same size, but a little bit bigger. Rolling back out of the cave, and pushing it closed, which was now much easier, I rolled back toward the village like I was a cannonball, except a ground one.

Entering the village without any interactions or stops, I went directly to the weapons shop making sure not to ring the bell. With this old-time, they were not able to make any locks. I guess the complex mechanism is not possible. Then again, they have magic, so there is no need for locks, now was there?

Anyways, as I rolled up the stairs and went through the hallway, which I imprinted before I left. As I entered the room, I did not turn back into the necklace. One, it was uncomfortable, and two, I needed to make Argas rely on me more. To do so, I would stay in my slime form and when the sun rises, I will act like I want to leave the room by jumping at the door repeatedly. This will give Argas the idea that I would escape if he did not use me for whatever he wanted to as fast as possible. This would make my plan go much faster, especially if he wanted to make the best weapon, which I could understand why he wanted to do it now.

Hearing his backstory of his family, making the best weapon that will never break would be an obsession he would have after that experience. If I want to use him to help kill all of the warriors, I would have to help him accomplish this delusion, then mass-produce this weapon, making it possible for the warriors to be confident enough to eliminate the threat that had attacked Maria and Abigail. With that plan in mind, I started thumping on the door, like I was trying to escape. It was only after the 30th thump on the hard, wooden door that I sensed the bedsheets shift.

"What the fuck is that loud banging this early in the morning..! What are you trying to do!" Exclaimed Argas, eyes widening as he flipped the covers off of himself and dived for me. Slamming into the wall in the process, he successfully caught me, sighing in relief.

"It's too early for you to escape. We still have so much work to do. So much work." he finished absentmindedly, eyes glossing over. It would seem that he is still thinking about his family. I honestly thought he would forget about it with a giant headache from all the alcohol he drank, but he seemed as lively as ever. I guess he isn't the drinking champion for no reason.

Picking me up, he set me on his desk, going over to his clothes dresser to change. It was moments like these where I wish I had eyes to close. Trying to focus on something else, I decided to count the compressed spores I got last night. *click*