
I also found out that the female passed out on the chair was gone. She must have gone out of the store when she woke up. I don't know if she was mad or anything, which I could definitely expect from her because of her demeanor and actions.

Anyways, was it really the best idea to give the people of this village part of me? I mean, in my current condition, they definitely could monitor me and keep on taking parts of me until I was reduced to nothing. The only upside to this was that I was still in control of the pieces that they put on the weapons, no matter how far they were away. That is another thing that I learned.

The amount of experience I gained while memorizing the village and the villagers was astronomical. That was the only way to have a shot at furthering along my plan to conquer the village.

Waiting for not a long time, the bell rang again, a light dinging against the slow roar of the forge. I was none other than Garren and Argus, which I predicted he would be the first one that Argas would tell, as he was his friend and introduced me, the slime, to Argas.

"What is so important that you had to drag me out of a meeting with the village pharmacist, which was very low on medicines at the present moment. It better be worth more than the lives of the injured!" Gallen said furiously. I would understand that he was responsible for the welfare of the village, but I am more important, obviously.

"Oh, these revelations will definitely save more lives, especially because this will prevent people from getting injured, so the full restock of the apothecary will not be needed." Argas said, rather arrogantly. Not that I could blame him, though. This idea of mine was indeed far better than I expected it to.

"For you to think this will be revolutionary, then it must definitely be worth It." Gallen said, a hint of mirth in his tone, a small smile creeping across his face.

"Come with me and you will see how amazing this is." Argas said, waving his hand from Gallen to the entrance of the smithy. Like a child wanting to show their parents something he is proud of, Argas practically skipped to the knife, while the village Elder walked behind him, calm countenance plastered on his face.

Moving over to the knife, which is right next to me, he picked it up and brought it to the anvil again. Gallen, looking on in confusion, stoof by the entrance of the smithy, most likely because he could not bear the heat like Argas could. Which is understandable. I would have done the same thing, if I was still human.

"Now watch this!" Argas said excitedly. Slashing down with a decent amount of strength, the blade and the anvil connecting, however only for a split second. Like cutting paper, the anvil gave no resistance to the knife, letting another chunk fall down with a thud. With me being proud, Argas grateful it wasn't a dream, and Gallen looking like a goldfish, we all had the same thought in that instance. 'This is Great!'.

Lying the knife down on the anvil, the Weapons shop owner looked at Gallen expectantly, wanting him to approve. I also hoped that Gallen would approve, except for the opposite reason.

"This indeed is a wonderful revelation! With this much improvement, the attack force that has been trying to eliminate the threat have a much better chance of holding back and hunting them than they did last time." Gallen said, a hint of sadness as he reminisced on the past mistakes. Face contorted with pain, Argas looked like he was recalling his past.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Argas regained his composure and walked over to me with a confident smile on his face, much different from the one before. This one made him look like a man on a mission.

"So you're saying that I could use this slime to power up the attack force, maybe good enough to finally hunt down those damn monsters." Argas said with a calm demeanor. Using a different knife to cut me, probably because he thought the other one would stick to me, because I am perceived as a slime, naturally sticky.

"Yes, this will dramatically help the village. Well, I need to get back to the meeting I was rudely interrupted with. I'll leave this to you." The Elder said dismissively. Snorting, Argas proceeded to place all the swords that the supposed 'attack force' used, which I could only assume weren't being used at the moment. Slicing my body like a master chef, he took around one fifth of my visible size, which I immediately re-grew.

Seeing this, he decided to keep on cutting until he had enough to cover all of the swords, of which their were 8 of. Only taking a couple million from my overall mass, I wasn't worried of running out. Plastering my spores onto the swords I molded them to be sturdier and sharper than they already were. Seeing it work again, Argas smiled and looked at his work proudly.

"'Aight, I'm gonna go out to get the team back together, and practice these swords on some trees in the woods. He said to me, who has been part of his life for a while, and to which I think he made me into a person, which he wasn't technically wrong. Anyways, after he told me that he was going to get the fighting force up and running again, I had to be by myself again.

Loneliness. A funny feeling. A feeling that feels good for a while but then it starts to get to you. You feel anxious, paranoid, and antisocial. This should be an adverse effect, as one would lose touch with society, they would naturally want to get back in, right? No, that is not really how it works.