A Bit Windy, Innit?

Resolved to leave the leader less injured than the others, the leader pointed to me, which I assume meant she wanted the others to attack me first. Like I predicted, one of the seven lunged forward, which I thought would not reach me from all the way from where I was to the door, which was about 10-15 meters.

Without touching the ground, it looked like the guy that the leader sent to kill me blinked out of existence and reappeared in front of me. However, I could sense his movement due to the spores in the air and on his body, sort of like a very powerful tracker. This combined with my danger sense made me able to never get ambushed, which I would definitely need if I wanted to get my revenge from those Hounds.

Sensing a slice from the right, I spring out an ax head, which I blocked with the edge. The reason for the ax is because It has the most surface area if you are blocking with the blade's edge. Looking like a single armed octopus with a blade attached to the end, the scene before the Beastkin was an odd one for sure.

As the beast guy came back into view for everyone, they could see him in a slashing motion, about to split me in half. What they did not expect was a tentacle with a fucking ax head on the end of it to easily block it. What they did not know is that I dulled the sword that the beast, who was a dog variation, attacked me with, and made the ax I created more durable.

Jaws agape, I pushed the ax slightly towards the left, tilting the dog off balance, making the guy fall over, tripping over his own feet. Staying on the floor in shock, the leader was the first one to overcome the shock, either out of ignorance or realization, probably a mix of both.

"So it is true, this little slime has some strength to him after all. I guess that means that the job here is done." he said calmly. This raised a bunch of red flags for me, because this guy's pride would never allow him to face such a disgrace of being wrong, at least, that is what I think.

Proving me right, after a few steps, I sensed a staggering amount of killing intent coming from the leader, and he was only standing their! If this guy was just part of the fighting force, then I would hate to see the killing intent of the Elder. Sending out 9 broadswords in a cross that looks like a 9 pointed star, protecting my center. Also putting out spikes from my back into the table to make sure I'm not blown away just by the sheer force of the attack.

Sensing danger coming from the front I readied myself for the impact to come. As I felt the impact, it shattered 4 of the 9 swords, even reinforced. This all happened in half of a second. For onlookers, I looked like the leader of the fighting force blipped out of existence. For me, it was almost impossible to track him with the spores, because he displaced the air so fast he moved through them.

What everyone assumed was going to be a splatter on a wall actually blocked the leaders attack, which they had never seen before. It was not until later that the sonic boom sounded. It let loose a roar that broke glass, tore up papers, tapestries, and any other decorations. That was when I 'looked' as Argas, and I have never seen him as angry as he was now.

"All of you get out." Argas groweld, as a menacing tone in his voice. Though the fighting force is much stronger than him, he has the backing of the village chief. The dogs in the force seemed to know this, and all of them stepped back from the door a little. All except for the ignorant leader, turning away from me indignantly, not willing to admit he was defeated by the supposed lowliest monster.

"This was a waste of time. Let's get out of here." he stated, turning to Argas. With a mumbled apology, which seemed very unlike him, he left with his group, hiding his broken wrist.

"Sometimes I wish that that dickhead would just get killed in battle." Argas said to himself. I could see where he was coming from. I also hate people who act all high and mighty just because they are better than others. Not that I would not do the same, but I would not blatantly do it like he the leader did.

Knocked over by that boom, Argas struggled to get up from where he was sitting down on the ground right outside the store. Finally getting up and dusting off his pants, he walked inside the store, being careful not to step on all the glass and other decorations. Rubbing his forehead vehemently while scanning his destroyed shop.

Finally sighing, Argas didn't even bother with me and went straight upstairs, leaving me to myself. Not wanting to have my future base messy, I decided to grind the broken glass and other broken things to dust, and Argas can sweep it later. Letting some of my mass decompress, I created a big press that I used to crush the materials to dust. Bringing in all of the broken glass and other stuff, I pressed the air over and over again until It was slightly denser than the air itself.

After a couple hours, I finished and let all of the dust settle on the ground. Afterwards, I went back to the front desk and waited for Argas to come down. After some more time passing, Argas came down and was surprised by all of the dust across the floor. Probably too tired and angry to question it, he went into the forge and took out a broom and bucket, which he used to pick up all of the dust, putting it back into the forge.

I don't know if he wanted to use it for burning materials, forging materials, or just trash, but I did not have time to ponder it before the door creaked open, the bell I am so used to hearing blown off during the attack. Gallen was back.

"I think it is now time to go ahead and finish off the threat!" Gallen shouted arrogantly, trying to reach the ears of Argas. The only reason I can think of is that the fighting force was convinced by my performance that they told the village Elder. Although he is a kind leader and a good father, he is a warrior at heart, judging by his physique and aura.

Argas, most likely hearing Gallen screaming at him, was wiping his hands of grease and he came out of the forge. Face still red from anger and crying about his store, he gave Gallen a blank look, not having any intention to engage in their usual banter.