Gallen's Death?!

No matter the skill and work that the heroes of the village do, each Great Ape tanks the hits and keeps on punching with the force of a 18 wheeler. Each punch of the monkey makes a resounding crack through the air, and the speed of the fighting force just barely makes them able to doge those incredible punches.

The bodys of the creatures are nothing to scoff at either. The wounds that Gallen and Jaren inflict are indeed severe, but the Apes don't seem to slow down at all, even right before they die. Maybe its their genetics, or maybe it's the thrill of the battle, but the monkeys don't seem to understand the concept of pain.

To put it in perspective, if I had to guess how many monkeys each Beastkin could take, I would have to say around five, even with the new swords. With this evaluation, I think that they will definitely not make it. Checking back on the six other members, 3 have fallen, laying with broken backs and torn limbs along the trench, which was not filled with blood.

Tears rolling down their faces, the other three members of the once proud fighting force barely manage to fend off the last seven monkeys, which also looked extremely weakened, though no normal person could tell by the way they acted. With much joy, my plan seemed to go flawlessly.

Not needing to worry about those deadmen anymore, I focused on getting bite marks onto Gallen for my plan to be perfect. Speaking of which, gallen seemed to be fighting off two monkeys at once, switching between the two if one got closer than the other. Biding my time, I waited for one monkey to lunge at Gallen.

After a few minutes of waiting, I saw my chance. Seeing a Ape lunch at the side of the village warrior, I dulled myself as much as possible without him noticing I was doing so. Making a thump instead of a squish like most of his hits did, Gallen felt a massive pain in his side. Looking down, he saw the pace of a Great Ape staring up at him while ripping at his flesh.

Sharpening myself again, Gallen pierced the eye of the assailant, reaching all the way to his brain and out the back of the head. Slicing downward, he split the monkey's head in half, as well as the shoulder of it. Lunging back just before he was assaulted again, he clutched his side as he readied to fight the other beast he was getting attacked by.

Noticing a cry from the other side of the battlefield, which was now a mix of broken trees and Ape limbs, I saw the last soldier fall to 3 Apes, which were now turning towards us. With JAren battling five and Gallen battling one, they took down a total of 14 before the others died. Way more than I anticipated, but by the way they fought, I could not help but admit I was wrong.

Now with Gallen getting approached by 3 more Apes, albeit weak ones, he started emitting an aura that could only be considered as death itself. It might be magic, it might even be killing intent, but whatever it was, it was insanely strong. Seeing that he still has this much energy, I go back on my plan and let the monkeys continue to battle the final two members of the fighting force.

Letting loose a burst of what seemed like energy, he vaporized the halt of the new apes. By half, I mean one and a half. Since half was left of the Ape, he died instantly. Fighting two Apes, one weaker than the other, did not seem so impossible now. Ready to be swung like wild, I steadied my bonds. Only, their was no wild swinging or strategy. Their was only slashes and blocks.

I wondered what was wrong, since I could not sense the inside of Gallen yet, but concluded that the energy he released was probably most of the energy he had saved up. Sensing that Jaren also used that technique, he finished off all of his enemies with one blow, looking behind him to Gallen in the process.

"Gallen!!!" He screamed. Racing over to slice apart one of the Apes, he misjudged his footing and how slippery the first floor was, and slid right into the fist of one of the monsters. Head smashed into what looked like a bony pancake, nothing resembled the poor dog that fought valiantly to save the village.

Seeing his friend's face getting turned into a food product, Gallen roared in rage, eyes swiveling in their sockets. With two left to deal with, Gallen dashed around them at lightning speed, picking up the sword of his fallen comrade. Disappointingly, Gallen somehow found the energy to do one last charge, and charge he did.

Doing a one two tap of both Apes, the both fell to the ground, heads severed. Falling to his knees he spit out what seemed like liters of blood. Mumbling to himself, he repented all the poor decisions he made to lead up to this moment;

"I should never have rushed this..cough… this was all on me. The safety of the village is not almost guaranteed, but at what cost? The loss of friends and family should never be worth the sacrifices that need to be made for the safety of ignorant fools. Its my fault for thinking that something as simple as a better sword would change anything.

I just simply wanted peace in the village. Peace and safety. Rushing something as complicated as that should never have been allowed. I should have listened to Jaren. A close friend, even in the worst of times. But now he's dead, just like the rest of them. But, I must survive for their sake. And for the sake of the village. I must.. Survive.." He mumbled. Such a touching story to people who actually care.

Anyways, sensing Gallen get back onto his feet, I casually deformed into a slime again. Realizing he had no more sword, he looked in confusion and worried at the little slime by his feet. However, this did not last long, as his face contorted into anger and disgust.

"This is my fault for trusting a monster. What a fool I must have been to ever think we could coexist." He said with disdain. Turning his back to me, he stumbled away, clutching his side. But before he could take a few halting steps, a giant spike protruded out of his chest. Looking down at the massive piece of steel in his chest, he wondered how it got their.

Suddenly, his arms and legs felt heavy as well. Only, he could not move them. Looking from his arms to his legs, they also seemed to be pierced. Brain clouded, he turned his head towards the slime he left behind. As he did so, five more spikes implanted in his chest cavity, thumping against his body, making him shake. Realizing he was right, he could do nothing but cry at his naiveness of believing in monsters.