Time to do Surgery?!

With this plan in mind, and the assurance that I could do it with that boost from evolution and Gallen, I separated myself into as many pieces as my conscience could split up into, which turns out to be 13, surprisingly. I was just at the edge of the village, so I infected the official's houses, which have turned into advisers for the daughters of Gallen.

Doing a quick counting of their houses, I counted 25, which most likely would be overkill for the challenges, but maybe the challenges were extremely long to plan and other variables. If this was the case, then 25 would be a sufficient number to deal with the girls, as far as I have seen them act.

Anyways, sending out twelve of the thirteen split consciousness, leaving my original body in the same place so I could see all 12 at the same time. More confusing than before, I need to take it slow before my mind becomes too overloaded with data.

Stationing each part outside each house, in a secluded spot so they could not be seen, went one by one. The first house I went into was a big white one, seemingly made of some type of stone. Unlike the other houses that I have seen in this village, this one is the only one to have that kind of material. Thinking that it must be because the Beastkin living there was the top adviser, I must be very careful because he might have a pretty good security system for preventing intruders.

I must be very cautious, even in a village such as this one. Considering that it is a village of Beastkin, who do not have the human characteristics like greed and envy, which I noticed by the way they acted, it would be unlikely that anyone in this village has an advanced set of security. However, that does not mean I should be ignorant to the possibility that they could not have one.

I know how well that turned out for me. Shuddering at the thought of something happening like that to me again for the same reason, I tentatively slide under the solid stone door, eyes out as well as ear. However, I had to minimize the size of the eyes and ears to fit under the door, which was an inch gap.

With no buzzers or traps of any kind getting set off, I sent all of the other twelve parts of me in the houses by the same way. Once all of them were inside, I continued with the first one, thinking that this house would be the most dangerous one.

One thing that crossed my mind is that their might be magically hidden traps, making people who cannot sense whatever magic they use unable to see a trap coming. Not wanting to get caught off guard again, like the trap in the temple, I sent out a large amount of spores into the house, which I had tons to spare due to the accumulation of them from the invasive ones as well as the ones I had no need for.

Sensing their is nothing on the ground floor, I sent the sensory spores, which I decided to call the airborne spores that I use to Imprint, to the second floor, which was pretty rare among the common houses, which are normally large single-floored huts, slightly smaller than the village Elder's house.

Spores flooding the pristine stairwell with wood rails, carved intricate, I was constantly imprinting. It was not until 5 minutes later that I found a security measure. Well, it was not something that I could see, but rather something that I could not see.

It was the only thing that I could not sense. Just like the dresser in Argas's weapons shop, I could not sense the presence of an object connected with the threshold of the door to a room directly facing the stairs. Finding this suspicious, I climbed up the stairs, which were stone as well, dragging myself up with the spaces between the railing.

Once I finally got up the stairs, which felt like it took forever, I used the copied eyes to see what my spores could not. What I found their was very interesting. Although it was magically hidden, you could still see it if you looked hard enough, lest the installer loses track of it. As I used my body to push open the door, I was met with familiar magic circles on the doorframe with a piece of darker stone darker stone cut at the bottom of the door frame.

Not-feeling the sensory blockage, I increased my sight so I could see how I could surpass this. What I found out about this is that if a normal Beastkin walked through the door, the trap could sense all the way up to their shin, so their would be no possible way for a beastkin could pass it, besides the people that the owner allowed.

The only reason I could think of as to why they did not use the full doorway as a sensor is that it might have been performed by a skilled individual, and the amount of tradable items might be too much to give for a full sensor.

The reason I found that it was a sensor is that it was not only that the doorway was blocked, but the space between the door also had some blockage, although it was much more dull, like your senses get after drinking. Anyways, it is a pretty easy way to get over this, as they did not fully put it through the threshold of the door.

Releasing the compactfulness of my current composition, I lengthened myselfs out to the point where I could slide over the sensor. After I did that, I used spikes from my body to hang off of the door top, which is the very top of the door that has a lip for me to hang onto.

Swinging my body back and forth from where I was hanging, I was able to reach the other lip of the side of the door without setting off the alarm. With this completed, I only needed to compress my spores tightly to make letting go of the first hook not set off the alarm, which I had to assume that was what its purpose was.

Finally done compressing all of the spores I had, I let go of the first hook outside of the room, hoping that it would not trigger it. Thankfully, it did not. Anyways, the relief I felt that I did not set it off was great. However, that did not mean that I could not become overconfident not. I had to find out what was so important behind this door.