Taming the Beast?!

Making a sickening squishy sound, my legs twisted clockwise and snapped back into place, allowing me to stand once again. Jumping up and uppercutting the dragon in the throat, I heard a loud cough as she stumbled back, slowly forming back into her original self.

Once she was back to her human-like form, She had no more scale armor, as it was all around her, cracked and crushed. Holding her throat, she fell backward, eyes losing their shine. A loud thud resounded through the cave, followed by painful moaning. Blood pouring out of her wounds, she thrashed on the ground, looking like a worm getting put on a hook.

Seeing her stop moving, I moved over to her. Her cuts looked extremely bad, and I can guess she had a couple of ribs cracked as well. No broken limbs, so that is good. I guess she could be of use to me, as she knows more than me.

To try to heal her, I can try to stop the bleeding by wrapping the cuts with my Bone Spores, which should be much more effective at stanching the blood than my regular spores. Cutting off my arm, I let the composition dematerialize so I can focus on putting it around the wounds. For a species such as a mighty dragon, they should have some pretty good regeneration, right?

Anyways, bending down and seeing where the cuts start and stop, I guide my black spores into a sort of bandage so they could cover the wounds. This is where the delicate tools that I Memorized in the experimentalist's house came into play. Cutting away all the dirty and flappy skin, I could directly apply the spores so that nothing could get infected if that even mattered.

After an hour or so, I managed to stop all of the bleeding. All that was left was to wait. With nothing better to do, I set the busty dragon propped up against the wall, making sure that blood flow was getting to all her limbs. Walking over to the broken throne and the spilled coins, I looked for any weapons I could Memorize.

Only finding sub-par swords and knives, well, at least compared to the ones I have already memorized, there was nothing to copy that could be used as a weapon. That was not to say there wasn't anything of use. There are armor sets! Not that I needed much protection from physical attacks, which is how I managed to survive almost unscathed, except for this one deep gouge on my arm which I cannot seem to get rid of or heal.

That bastard dragon must have enhanced her claws with some sort of magic or something because that is one of the only things that can kill me. Anyways, the most common armor sets that I found were made of what looked like iron, chain meal, and leather. The rarer ones were ones made of some different metal, and some even infused with Alterian Energy crystals.

These crystals keep appearing and I still have no idea the importance of them, except that it is the power source that I used to grow. Picking them up and putting them near the entrance of the dragon's Hoard (apparently it was called a Hoard), I sat on the broken throne, letting go of some spores to soften the seat and rebuild the back of it. Giving it some veins, it looked very cool, like something getting infected in movies.

"Man is it boring to wait. I should just count my lucky stars that I was able to dodge those spears. I think if I had gotten hit by just one of them, I would have been mortally wounded on the spot. I do kinda feel bad for the dragon though. She was just trying to protect what was hers."

I can get behind that feeling, as I have had nothing worth more to me than my freedom to do the things that I want to do, and I would do anything to protect that. But that is all in the past. I think that it was the arrogance of underestimating the opponent that caused the dragon's downfall.

After contemplating what could have gone wrong and what could have made it end faster, and thinking about what to say when the female dragon woke up, hours passed. Checking on my wounds, The cut on my arm has healed, but my shirt, which I also materialized when I chose to turn into Gallen previously, was torn to shreds, barely hanging onto my body.

My pants were not much better, but only the legs of my pants were ripped up, thanks to whatever the hell they were made of. That goes for the shirt as well. There did not seem to be anything like cows or horses or anything of the sort to make clothing.

Anyways, The dragon seems to be doing fine. She seems to be doing better than fine since she just jumped to her feet and started walking toward me.

***??? POV***

Opening my eyes, I immediately sprang to my feet, readying for a fight. But, nothing seemed to be a threat. Wasn't I just fighting a being pretending to be one of the weakest races? That's when I remembered that I got decimated by his final attack. Looking down at my body, I found that I was wrapped in a sort of bandage that was black, cold, and hard.

'What is this?' I thought. Whatever it was, it seemed to have stopped the blood flowing out of the wounds he inflicted unto me. Speaking of which, where is that guy? Scanning the room, I found him sitting on my throne, only it was covered in a black, throbbing substance. Is it just me, or did this entity look more depressing than before?

Relaxing myself, I steadied my healed body. One of the benefits of being a dragon is the great regeneration we have. If anything managed to pierce the scales of a dragon, which are few, any minor wounds would heal almost instantly.

"What are you waiting for? Come over here now." the mysterious man ordered, and I obeyed. Ah that's right, I lost. Although a dragon's pride is great, their honor comes first. The battle was supposed to be to the death, but if the loser is left alive, they must submit to the stronger one, as is the Law of the Beasts.