Another Step in the Plan!

"Master, if I may be so bold, are we leaving right now, or are we leaving sometime later. And also, may I ask what your name is?" I asked, hoping for an answer.

"No, we are not leaving right now. I still have some important work to do before we go any farther. Plus, we both need our rest, especially of the fight we just had. No, we will be leaving bright and early tomorrow morning. I can see you second guessing if you are needed by me, as I have demonstrated I am stronger than you.

"You see, their is strength in numbers, and their is also using others for a bigger gain. We will be doing both at the same time. As for my name, it is not something that I can announce until I have secured a base and am able to secure a sense of fear into this continent. You can just call me Master, as that is who I am to you" He said, chuckling to himself. It is true.

"Alright, I Will be taking a little stroll outside. Keep this place safe and secure while I'm gone. Oh, and be sure to get some rest. I can't have an injured servant. Would not be as efficient." he said offhandedly, pulling back up his trousers and getting off the throne, the black substance from the chair getting absorbed back into him.

He's right, of course. What use am I to him if I can't even follow his commands? Anyways, master does not have to worry about anyone breaking in here. I made sure of that by killing off some minor predators that dared to enter my Hoard.

Slightly sad that I lost everything I have worked very hard for, but happy that I have protection from someone stronger than me, I went to the foot of the throne and curled up, immediately falling sound asleep.


***Unknown POV***

Walking outside the cave, I was greeted by a cold night breeze caressing my skin, sharpening my senses. Once I reached the entrance to the cave, I took in a deep breath and shouted in excitement.

"Let's fucking go! I now have a servant that does whatever I want. This will be very useful in case it is a battle of spells, and not just a physical battle. I just got lucky that that damned dragon didn't use any more magical Skills. I guess that my disease, although this is the only body I can mimic, works.

"Oh shit, I forgot to ask what her name is! Hmmm, I guess I could just make her tell me tomorrow, which is when I will continue my adventure. Of course, I could not tell her that, as it would not make me look very strong if I did not have a plan. Speaking of a plan, I should check up on the system that I made back in the Beastkin village.

Lying in a meditative position, I tried to feel the connection between me and the giant mushroom I planted. Minutes later, I felt a strand of consciousness in the silent night. Although the dragon lady mentioned some of the animals that were on earth, I have not seen any sign of them.

I wonder if that was because their were more reincarnated people throughout history in this world, introducing innovations and animal types. That would explain the ovens, surgery tools, kitchen appliances, and other objects. I hope that is the case, because it will be so much easier conquering places that have familiar tools and such.

Anyways, I finally integrated and shifted my full consciousness into the mushroom I planted. Materializing eyes onto the mushroom, I could see that not only was my original body affected, but everything that was connected to me.

All around me I could see piles and piles of black spores, so much so that it looked like sand. Immediately floating all of them and sending them out through the tunnels at supersonic speed, they dispersed between the many, many tunnels.

Pushing them until I felt that they came to an obstruction, I sent them up into the houses, which I stopped all the tunnels at so I could tell where to send the spores up into the houses. With that done, I can finally contemplate my next plan of action.

Shifting my consciousness back into my original body, still as Gallen, I stood up, crossed my arms, and paced back and forth. Let's start off with the advantages I have. For one, I have a Dragon servant who believes I am her master, which is a very lucky find, as she could have easily killed me if she hadn't underestimated me. Though, I'm not going to tell her that.

Another advantage that I have is the immunity to physical attacks, which is helpful when I am fighting organisms that cannot produce any Mana or any spells. Although not foolproof, it is enough of an advantage for lesser beings.

Also, combined with my ability to Memorize things, it is a very powerful combo, making the opponent underestimate me, which lowers their guard and not use their full power off the bat. Not that it will fool everyone, especially not the Gods, or even powerful humans or monsters, but it will fool anyone under my level or the same level as me.

Other than those advantages, their really aren't any others besides having a village that I can control, not that it will matter anytime soon. All I can do right now is explore more, maybe finding a dungeon or more powerful beings to add as servants. I think I really am starting to appeal to this Law of the Beasts rule.

Now, onto some disadvantages I have. One glaring disadvantage that I have is the lack of information. I squeezed out all of the info I could out of my new servant, but that is not really enough. And by the common species she said that were around these parts, I could only guess that some of the beasts that I Memorized in the temple were now extinct.