Taking my Leave!

"Should anything happen to either of you, yank hard on the collars I gave you and I will know where you are. All in all, I want this mission to run as smoothly as possible, so no interruptions at any point, unless necessary. You might grow lonely from being apart from me, so just think of what great things will happen in only a month. I'm sure that small amount of time will feel like nothing to the both of you." I said.

Saying such encouraging words made them perk up a little bit, as both she and Andromeda had a sparkle in their eyes, as well as determination. "Alright, I will take my leave now, as it might be harder for me to pass through a kingdom than it is for Shen. I will head straight from the entrance of the cave, which should be the direction Andromeda found one of the kingdoms, correct?" And Andromeda nodded, bouncing my hand.

Setting my hand down, I continued with the plan. "Shen, I assume you know where your kingdom was, so I want you to infiltrate that place with maximum secrecy. Should there be any disputes I hear from the neighboring kingdom, I will be very cross with you." I said in a stern tone, much different from my usual one. That is the thing about tones. If you use a sort of bland and playful tone when you use a mad one it has a much greater effect.

"Do not worry, master. I will be very careful during my mission. The only thing that I have a question about is how am I going to get into the kingdom itself? Although I have the similarities of a regular human, I do not know how I could pass into the kingdom without permission from one of the guards." She said, concerned that she thinks her mission is going to be a bust.

"Oh, I have all of that taken care of. I've prepared some written plans as well, so you better read them carefully." I said, handing over the manuscripts I made. Although I Memorized them from the ancient tombs that Shen gave me, I erased all of the old languages and put in some instructions on what to do. It was a relatively simple task, but a very effective one.

"How did you manage to write these?! I thought that the written form of Vampiric was lost ages ago?" She exclaimed. This took me by surprise, as I thought that, as she was speaking it, she would also think that it was common. Of course, I cannot tell her what I am, but I will need to explain how I did all of this without raising any suspicion. As it happens, I have just the excuse.

"Magic," I said simply, no other explanation given. Staring at me, expecting more, Shen sat cross-legged on the bed, not moving. It was not until I thought that my explanation was not good enough that she started to respond.

"I-I see. It might make sense. yeah, because you were able to conquer the entire Dungeon by just yourself, so of course, you would be able to do something as simple as this!" She said, reaffirming her belief in my deceit. Seeing her tail sway from side to side, I could only guess that her admiration grew for me. Eagerly accepting the books I gave to both of them, I gave them a curt salute before walking out of the room.

"Whew, that was very stressful. Having the air of a conqueror is harder than I thought. Although this is a great experience for me, I have to get much, much more serious if I want to conquer the entire world, or at least this continent. I am quite disappointed in the species that I have seen so far. All of them are so weak!

If I could just find some more opponents worthy of fighting me, I would be able to gain more strength. Eh, there might be some competition in this kingdom. Who knows, maybe the king will be super powerful. Wishful thinking at best." I said with a sigh. With the strong opposition I have faced for the past three days, I might be a bit disappointed with what I see in the kingdom.

Leaving the entrance of the castle, I looked at the fake sky, the fake trees, and the fake noises of birds and other little critters, for one final time before teleporting to the real world.



Supporting myself on my elbows, the first thing I noticed, well, felt, was a massive pain in the back of my neck. It would seem that I lost. At least, that is what I thought happened until I looked up and saw the smiling face of Mark Jones, the leader of this gang I was forced to join. With the greed I saw behind his facade, I immediately knew that he wanted me for my strength, not as a real member.

Still, I have to keep up this act of a street rat, lest my plan busts. Furrowing my brows in apparent confusion, I waited for Mark to speak. "Congratulations! You are now an official member of Hell's Guardians," he said, slapping a hand over my shoulder. Slightly flinching out of the pain, I shrugged off his hand, not wanting to be touched by him. It was out of habit, but something that I did not mind at this moment.

If I was a normal pedestrian, I would have been freaking out or getting mad at the person who kidnapped me, but for a street rat, I should be grateful I was not killed. Going with this mentality, I put up a facade of happiness, hoping that Mark would not see through it. Turns out, he is much more perceptive than I thought, as he immediately saw through it with a grin. However, by a stroke of luck, he misplaced this facade with trying to cover up the pain, which is partially true.