Why are you Weak?!

With infinite stamina, it is also hard to not do things for an extended amount of time, such as the curse of it. I could escape easily, but not without alerting the woman below me. With her still rubbing the sword, I racked my mind on how to kill them and copy one of their bodies. I could just straight up kill two of them and capture the last one of them. The problem with this solution is that I do not know how strong they are.

What I can deduce about their strength is that the woman had said 'Gold Plate', and based on the ores I have seen, that could not possibly be the most prestigious metal in this world. And, she said they could be demoted if they failed whatever mission that they had to complete.

Although I do not know what mission they have to do, I can assume that it is a big one. Why else would they be demoted from a 'Gold Plate' or whatever the ranking system they are using for adventurers? For monsters, it is the strong rules the weak, but humans might be a bit more civilized, although I find it silly that they do not follow the same rules, as they are surrounded by monsters at least ten times stronger than them.

Using this knowledge, I can assume that they are good, but not overpowered, or else they wouldn't even have the option of getting demoted, as no one could make them. Also, if they were that powerful, nothing in this forest would pose a threat to them, other than some sparse strong monsters.

With that decided, I will do a little test of strength. Using the [Crimson Spear Bomb] Sub-Skill, I made it half as powerful as I used against the undead army that Shen bought with the system. Minimizing the size of it as much as possible, I aimed it with my finger gun at the spot right between the woman's legs, trying to see if she could sense it before it exploded.

Releasing this little bugger, I sent it flying right where I pointed it, which is pretty redundant. Anyways, the woman warrior seemed to have a pretty okay danger sense, as she immediately threw away the stone and jumped back, putting her overly-large broadsword in front of her like a shield, one hand on the hilt and one of the flats of the blade. Wondering if I made the right decision, the explosion resounded through the forest, shaking the tents nearby.

Turns out, the beast was strong enough to shatter the stone that the woman was using, which turned into shrapnel, enough to give her a couple of scratches. "W-what fuck is going on out there?!" The muscular human stumbled out of his ripped tent. Pieces of sticks and leaves were stuck in his unruly hair, as dark as the night. In the campfire light, I was able to get a good look at him. Scars covering his beefy arms, he looked slightly like that orc I killed a while ago.

As for his face, there were sharp jaw structures, beautiful hazel eyes, and smooth skin, almost marble-like. His chest stuck out and was so ripped it looked unnatural. His thighs and calves are about the same as well. Well, the only bad thing I could find about him is his bad temperament and his social personality.

This might not be a bad attribute to have, but impersonating someone is terrible. If someone has a large social life, it will make impersonating him without any real knowledge about the person himself almost impossible. That is why he is not such a good candidate. I am not going to choose the woman, as I have no idea their mindset. The only other option was the silent guys, who also came out of the tent, however, he did so without a sound.

"We are under attack! I do not know who, but keep your guard up. This must be what the hard part of the mission is. Exterminating a mysterious monster that could threaten the safety of the kingdom does seem like a major task to accomplish, but where is Gold Plates, three ranks away from being the most powerful adventurers in the kingdom. Anything in this forest we can handle.

"Alright, Greg, you get your gauntlets, Foster, go get you to bow. We will destroy whatever, or whoever decides to assault us!" The woman declared valiantly, trying to raise the morale of the rest of the group, who was Greg and Foster, although I do not know who is who yet.

"Jeez, Beth. you sure underestimate us. We know that we are amazing, so there's no reason to worry about this. What's concerning in this situation is that we don't know who is attacking. I want to see what I am about to kill if you don't mind." the muscular man said, bedding down into his ripped-up tent.

"Fine, Greg, next time I won't tell you that there is an enemy and see how you can fend it off while it eats your head while you're sleeping. Ugh, we need to work together, not fight. Although you are right about one thing. The aggressor has not shown itself. With an explosion of that magnitude, it must be one of the more elite ones. As such, it would normally have its pride to show itself in a fight." Beth said carefully.

Really? She thinks that the elite monsters are just proud, and that's why they show themselves? It's because they have a sense of whether the person or monster in front of them is a threat, so they do not have to worry about underestimating them. I guess I am the exception. Anyways, I guess 'Beth' has served her purpose. Plus, I want to know what that sword can do.

Letting go of the tree limb, I materialized some swords of my own into my hands, making it a sword fight. Getting rid of the features that Gallen's body has, I just looked like a tall, shadowy figure, with purple designs covering it. Getting into a familiar combat stance I readied myself for a great fight. Seeing the surprise on the girl's face in front of me, I took a few steps forward, hoping she would take the initiative.

Seeing that I would not make the first move, she swung her broadsword over her shoulder and leaped at me with the speed of a bullet. Gold Plates are stronger than I anticipated. Crossing my arms before she was able to cut me in half, I blocked her strike with almost no effort. That had to have been a test blow, right?