Now, How do I Get in?!

Holy shit, these are good! So basically I can synthesize skills, spores, and memorized parts of myself make myself into my clay studio, and generate infinite wealth. Welp, time to break this all down.

Alright, so the first option is very useful, but the question is for how long. Sure, it says that I can mix and mash skills and structures together, but what if I make a mistake? I could just lose all of the structures I made, and not know if I can get them back or not. That is certainly a big factor when deciding if I should choose it. However, on the bright side, if I am careful enough, I should be able to make the perfect body.

The next one sounds very cool but does not have many uses. As it said, it can only manipulate already made structures, which limits it extremely. Not only that, but if I only had a certain amount of structures, at this point I have two, I might not have the right tools to make use of the manipulation. The good side to this is that I do not need to have a large regular of skills or structures to utilize this evolution well.

As for the last one, it could be arguably the best and worst option there is. First of all, I could create an infinite amount of currency, should I have the right materials for it. All I would need to do is be careful with my spending, and then I will have achieved nobility. However, this is a two-sided coin, if I can do such things by a glance, what use would it be if I could just absorb the currency, not needing the evolution at all. To me, this outweighs the good of the choice.

So, in conclusion, I need the one that will help me the most in this next step of my plan. Although the first one is very great, I think that the Manipulate Spore would be the best option. As for why I do not currently need any synthesis of anything, and although the temptation of combining multiple structures, I do not have enough currently.

So, in the end, the best choice is the Manipulate Spore. Clicking on the option, I immediately felt my sight leaving, sort of like it had when I evolved for the first time. I guess some things you cannot get used to. Welp, time to go to sleep!


"Ugh, my head hurts like a bitch!" I groaned, unaware that I could speak. Surprised by my voice, which turned back to the voice I had on Earth, I looked down at my complexion. Unlike the color of the skin Foster had, which was very white, I had a dark tan, making my arms look golden in the sun. Sun? Looking above me, I found that, indeed, the sun has risen. This must mean that I was out for at least a couple of hours, which means that time is ticking.

Materializing an eye, which turned out to be light blue, which was my old eye color, I checked up on my complexion, which felt kind of different. I did look a bit like Foster, but the small details, like eyes, nose, and skin color were matching my old self, making it almost impossible to tell that I was Foster if they did not know him personally.

"Jeez, I wonder how I could look so similar to my old self. One thing that I can assume that happened is that every time I evolve, my old self would be more or less revealed through each of them, which might, in the future, give me back my original body, but allow me to edit it as well. Whoever reincarnated me into this world must have been very powerful, if they were able to create this feature.

"I need to be very careful in the future, so as not to anger this being. Speaking of powerful beings, I was told that there were Gods in or looking over, this continent. However, with all the traveling I have done, I have not seen any. Well, of course, I would not be able to see any. They think they are more important than just us mortals. Anyways, I would like to meet one, at least.

"That could maybe be a side mission, catching the attention of a god. Or this would inevitably happen in the future. Either way, I need to be careful. Now, back to the task at hand. Making myself as unrecognizable as possible. Luckily for me, that is already done. Next, I need to get myself as injured as possible and create a plausible story to get myself inside the kingdom. First, I need to cut myself." I started looking for some type of knife.

I know I could just summon one and it would be about the same, but it might not work as they are made of the same thing. I am on a limited-time schedule, so I do not have enough time to do so. Anyways, searching through the pack of foster, which was next to his pile of hay, I found a little knife, most likely for flaying meat. Trying to mimic a scratch mark, except on a bigger scale, I cut about a couple of centimeters deep, adding some blood flow to make it realistic.

Getting rid of the nervous system, I was able to fully concentrate on injuring myself, which should never be something to say to yourself. Anyways, waiting to break a few bones until I finished setting up my plan, I stopped the blood flow, making me look like I just got out of a fight with a grizzly bear. With that done, the next step will be the hard part. Alibi.

Thinking over a plan I had, I finalized the problems and set out to get the main thing I needed for it to work. Money. Looking through fosters stuff, I only found some questionable meat and arrows, making me think he is a minimalist. Seeing nothing of value, I went to Greg's tent, which is where I found all the goodies I needed.

Inside his tent, he had the same setup as Foster, only with a heck of a lot more supplies. Next to a hide-pack, there was an entire bag full of gold coins, all imprinted with a weird symbol.

{Error…The rank you currently have is not high enough to comprehend language.}