
"Yes, I do have enough money to be able to stay here for a few days," I said, not wanting to reveal how much money I had, which is still quite a lot, as most of the coins in the bag I gave the guards were fake, and they could not immediately tell they were counterfeit.

"Oh, and the rent for every day is one gold mark, which might seem high, but in these troubled times, I cannot lower it, even for you." He said false sympathy in his facial expression and voice. Nodding and taking my leave, I went up the stairs, which were placed in the back right of the pub, and walked across the creaky halls to the door labeled with a number five, made with golden lace.

The wood that made up the door seemed to be of the same type of wood that made up the huts and stuff in the Beastkin village, which would make this one of the most valuable resources to build things. If I could monopolize this, then I would gain more influence in the kingdom. But to do that, I would have to destroy multiple establishments and burn or take down most of the large trees that seem usable for good construction material.

Anyways, creating the door open, I found that it was the most basic room as basic can be described. There was a twin bed, one dresser, and one desk, but nothing else. Well, except for a metal tube in the back of the room. I should assume that that is for washing, and I would have to pay extra for it. Good thing I never really can get dirty. Shit, I forgot I needed to put up and act!

Scratching my head, I thought of what I should do next. "Jeez, with all the acting I have had to do, I wish I could take a nap. Although I am not hurt, I still can rest and close my eyes, even though I won't be able to go to sleep. Maybe, just maybe, something will happen that will make my job easier.

Laying down on the rock-hard bed, I rested my hands on my sides, putting a grimace on my face.

Not long after I closed my eyes, a faint knock sounded on the door, as well as a faint, feminine voice saying "Hello? I'm here with some bandages for your wounds, sir."

"Come to in-Ungh!" I said with a pained grunt. Hopefully selling my injuries, the door opened with a familiar creak, revealing a beautiful figure of a human woman, looking around twenty, not that I am one to judge, of course. As for what she is carrying, it seems to be a platter filled with beige bandages, misty bottles of some white liquid, and some clips made of the same metal I saw out on the archway.

"Wow, Doug was not lying when he said he brought someone in that was gravely injured. I'm honestly surprised that you are still breathing. Well, might as well try to save someone then let them die, knowing you could have done something about it." The mysterious woman said. The man who took me here is named Doug, who seemed to be her boss, as she had a maid's outfit on.

"Thank you-?" I asked, waiting for her to introduce herself. Although I think she wanted to get out of this stinky, blood-filled room as soon as possible, I would like to know more about her.

"Sorry, my name is Ashley, Ashley Meyer. I work here, as well as stay here because I have nowhere else to go. Anyways, I was told to come to you and dress your wounds." Ashley said professionally, sauntering over to my bed in such a way that any man would get an erection.

"I greatly appreciate this. I just wish I had been fast enough to stop that beast from killing my beloved." I whispered to myself, but just loud enough for her to hear it. Although she did not halt her movement to my bedside, she did show a mask of surprise as sympathy, which anyone would have in this kind of situation.

"Alright sir, I am going to need you to take off your clothes to properly apply the bandages," Ashley said, not hesitation or blushing at all. I found this odd because usually, it is the other way around. Anyways, I am not one to shy away from letting someone see my physique, especially if it is a woman watching.

Now that I have most of my past body back, I look like a certain anime character, I think his name rhymes with Kujiro. Anyways, it is not difficult to say that I looked like the best bodybuilder on the planet way back in my prime, before the betrayal. All that aside, I made sure to put as many scars and wounds upon my body as possible, to make myself look extremely manly.

And I think it worked, as when I put my clothes to the side of the bed, I looked over to see Ashley's face slack, eyes filled with lust. I mean, who would not lust after seeing such a beautiful body, even though soaked in blood. Quickly regaining composure, she placed her tray next to my thigh, grabbed the gauze and water, and started to wipe away all of the dry blood.

This process took about thirty minutes, as there was now a clock on the wall, for how they found out about the time, I do not know. After all that was done, Ashley's cheeks were flushed, and she still had to bandage me up! Putting back the blood-filled bowl of water, she grabbed the bandages and started with my abdomen, which was sporting a massive bite wound.

This bite wound looked like it would kill the average human, or even a bodybuilder, but not me! Just because it is fake does not take away from that fact. As time went on, she slowly and reluctantly went down to my waist, which was setting up its tent.

Hearing a gulp, I turned to look at Ashley, who was currently looking down at my tent with lust, but hesitation as well. After a minute of calm breaths, she pulled down my Adventurers attire, which made my rod spring out with a *thump*. Standing as erect as a pole in a strip club, Ashley's breath became ragged again.

"If you feel uncomfortable with the rest, I can do it." I offered, thinking this might be too much stimulation, and, even though it would be amazing, we could escalate things. This would, of course, blow my cover, so I can wait for a couple of more days until l can say I have fully 'recovered'.

Snapping her head back, which was starting to lean closer to my waist, she covered her face cutely, nodding vigorously. Giving her a weak smile, I did a shooing motion with my good hand, which made him put down the bandage on the plater. Backing up towards the door, accidentally bumping into it, she did a little bow, shaking her boobas, making my rod twitch.

Face flushing again, she slammed the door, rushing down the hall, heels clicking like a horse across cobbles. Smirking for myself, I did, indeed, but the rest of the bandages were on. Fixing my arm and leg, I laid my head down, trying to come up with another good alibi for the next day, which is day two of the month I had to get up in the ranks.