Ancient Pill-Making Method? Refining Pills With Bare Hands!

The Mother Cauldron, on the other hand, was extremely violent. Anyone who touched it would be in danger. If one did not have any special methods, they would easily fall for it. Even Lu Haoxuan and Baizhi would have fallen for it, but now...

Baizhi's gaze fell on Gu Xi's hand. The cauldron was very calm and looked no different from an ordinary cauldron. It did not look like its usual berserk self.

She could not help but have doubts in her heart. Was this really the same cauldron?

Only those who had come into contact with the Mother Cauldron knew how terrifying this cauldron was. This was also the reason why Lu Haoxuan and Baizhi, who knew that it was of great value and could suppress the Son Cauldron, still chose to take it out and exchange for it.

"Where did you get this cauldron?" Lu Haoxuan asked. He seemed to be very interested in Gu Xi's cauldron, which attracted many people's attention.