Heaven and Earth Combined, Yin and Yang!

This also meant that he lost the qualification to compete and had no hope of making a comeback. Refining weapons was not like refining pills. One would prepare many materials, and there was only one copy. If one failed, one would not be able to refine it again.

"His embryo also has a lot of spiritual energy. He was so close too. What a pity."

He was not the only one. There were many others who had the same fate. They could not bear it, and could not accept the outcome. They fainted on the spot.

Everyone sighed, but there was nothing they could do. After all, it was their fault for not being able to withstand the pressure of the Thunder Fire Lightning Whip. It could only be said that their skills were inferior.

Even if Bai Haoyu did not deliberately target them, such a Spirit Weapon was extremely domineering. It announced its existence as soon as it was born.