Staring Blankly at Sword Mountain

Green Lotus Princess looked at the scene in front of her, and she could not help but open her eyes wide and murmur, "Could it be that he is the person I am looking for?"

The air was silent. She was the only one in the gorgeous carriage, and no one else could answer this question.

At this moment, even though there was no wind, the bead curtain beside her started to vibrate gently. The clanging sounds were like countless jade pearls falling onto a porcelain plate.

Green Lotus Princess seemed to have thought of something and her expression suddenly became pensive.

Wang Dazhu held a hammer in his left hand and an axe in his right. He was like a God who had split Heaven and Earth. His body slowly overlapped with that of the giant from before. As long as he waved his hand, the heavenly pillar would break and the mountains and rivers would collapse, everything could disappear into nothingness.