The Change in the Capital, the Departure of Green Lotus Princess

Everyone's faces were filled with impatience. They had previously held Gu Xi in high esteem, but now that they saw him fall through the clouds, they all scoffed. It had to be said that people were truly too fickle.

They guessed that the strange movements of the Sword Mountain might have been influenced by those divine weapons. In short, it was not something that Gu Xi could have caused.

"It makes sense. How can a person achieve success in both pill and weapon refinement? He doesn't have the energy either. The strange movements of the Sword Mountain had nothing to do with Gu Xi. Look, he hasn't been able to refine a weapon even after a few days."

"This pile of scrap metal is useless."

"The result of Green Lotus Princess's competition has been decided. Please announce it now. There's no need to extend the time for this kid."

To put it bluntly, they could not wait for Gu Xi any longer. After all, there was still a competition to come.