Little Friend, Please Come and Have a Chat! Green Lotus Princess to the Rescue

"At first, we thought that we were surely going to die. We never thought that it was Gu Xi who had caused all of this. You guys didn't see the scene of 'Return of 10,000 Swords to the Sect'. All sorts of strange phenomena appeared one after another..."

After listening to these words, everyone became envious. It would be great if they could see it with their own eyes!

The regret in their hearts was indescribable.

On the other hand, the last group of people who were left behind had an expression that was filled with endless regret. They had originally been through the gates of Hell, but they had never expected that things would turn for the better now. Even their tone carried an imperceptible sense of flaunting and pride.

After all, they had witnessed the birth of a divine weapon with their own eyes! Such an experience could also be considered extraordinary.

All in all, they were experiencing extremely complicated emotions.