This Isn’t a Secret Realm, This Is Paradise!

At this moment, Gu Xi did not know that he was being targeted. He did not have a map, nor did he know where he was going. He had to rely on his intuition all the way. He did not really care where he ended up in.

Little Nine suddenly jumped down from his shoulder, and its fluffy big tail drew a beautiful arc, landing not far in front of him.

"You want to lead the way for me?"

Little Nine nodded, its eyes filled with a lively light.

Gu Xi also let it go. Maybe Little Nine had some special discoveries, and in the end, even Little Jin came out to join in the fun. The fox and the fish fought to lead the way.

In the end, Little Nine was slightly better and walked at the front.

It was also strange. Gu Xi did not know if it was because of these two little fellows, but he did not meet anyone else along the way. He did not even encounter any danger.