Don’t Take the Enlightenment Tea Leaves, Take These Miscellaneous Seedlings

It should be known that when everyone was picking the Enlightenment Tea leaves earlier, the phantom did not have any reaction, so everyone thought that it was just a decoration or a dead object.

However, Gu Xi had not even picked it yet, and just a single movement had caused the phantom to have such a big reaction. However, the others did not seem to have noticed all of this.

Gu Xi was somewhat hesitant. If he were to pick it up now, he would have a way to escape unscathed. However, it was very likely that the azure dragon would completely awaken. In fact, the others might even understand the mystery behind this.

As such, it was too eye-catching. However, if he were to stop now, this rare treasure might be even more precious than the Enlightenment Tea. He was unwilling to give it up just like that.