The Gaze of the Abyss, Be Careful of the World...

Even Gu Xi was almost unable to block the energy fluctuations. His body swayed and he barely managed to use his Black Soul Sword to stabilize himself. Otherwise, he would have already been blown over a hundred meters away.


Another dragon roar shook the sky. Two dragon shadows appeared in front of Gu Xi. One was Little Jin and the other was Long Tian. They were clearly the same body, but there were two souls confronting each other.

"Alright, alright. I know that this kid is your Master. I won't hurt him. I'm just testing him. How can an ordinary human cultivator easily form a contract with my dragon race!"

"I know that you owe him a favor, but this kid didn't let me down. I'm training him now. Don't interfere. You'll drop the ball at this critical moment."

Hearing Long Tian's comforting words, Little Jin gradually became quiet, and the two shadows showed signs of reuniting again.