We Can’t Let Him Get Away

The dragon race had long disappeared into the long river of history. Even if they had left behind their descendants, their bloodlines had long been mottled after so many years. It was said that they were the dragon clan, but to put it bluntly, they were just false dragons.

There were no more pure-blooded dragons in the world. From the relevant records in the ancient books, it could be seen that they were powerful, even to the extent of being able to call the wind and summon the rain. After all, up until now, if there were any factors that were related to dragons, all of them were powerful demonic beasts.

What's more, dragons were divine beasts. Now that the legendary creatures were right in front of them, the powerful aura they displayed was extremely shocking. Compared to them, they were insignificant. People always had some fear of the existence of unknown things.

There was a moment of silence in the air. No one spoke.
