Lightning of Heaven’s Punishment! Have You Ever Someone Walking a Lightning Strike?!

Under such a powerful lightning strike, almost no one could survive.

Just as everyone was feeling a little regretful, no one noticed the scene within the lightning. The purple lightning wreaked havoc within. There was practically no ground for them to step on. It was filled with tyrannical energy that could instantly turn experts into ashes.

Countless bolts of lightning struck Gu Xi's body, but he appeared as if nothing had happened. He bathed in the sea of lightning, surrounded by chaotic fog. More accurately, he was devouring the power of the lightning.

He had an unsullied body that was unparalleled in the world. Ordinary lightning could not do anything to him. To other cultivators, the lightning was like a flood or a fierce beast. However, to Gu Xi, it helped him temper his muscles and bones.