God-Tier Sword Drawing Technique, the Distance Between a Genius and a Madman!

A madman and a genius were only one step apart.

Gu Xi's spiritual sense was strong. Not to mention multitasking, even multitasking would not be a problem.

After a short while, he had already made the best decision.

[System extract Xie Mingze]

[Detected sword technique used by Xie Mingze. Analyzing. There are 8,789 flaws, fatal flaws 67]

[Showing in detail]


Gu Xi seemed to have seen everything. All traces could not escape his eyes.

Whether it was the sword marks in the air or the moves left behind, they were all magnified several times in front of him. The exquisite sword technique from before was now as simple as a piece of white paper.

Gu Xi had fallen into a state of oblivion. He could clearly see a fallen leaf floating in the sky because of the Sword Qi. This was the mark left behind by the sword!

One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi.