The Crisis of the Supreme Purity Sect

The Dragon Ball suddenly emitted a golden light, and then its shape actually changed.

The golden dragon scale slowly fell down, but because of the erosion of the black gas, it had lost its original luster and brightness.

In an instant, everyone's faces turned extremely ugly. This was not a Dragon Ball, it was Gu Xi's forgery.

Only then did Mei Qianmeng realize that she had been tricked by Gu Xi again!

"Please forgive me, Demon Venerable. It was Qianmeng who was deceived by that kid and actually believed that this was a Dragon Ball."

Apart from Mei Qianmeng, everyone fell to their knees. The black gas was extremely violent and carried a gloomy and cold aura as it hovered above everyone's heads. One could imagine that the Demon Venerable was in an extremely bad mood at the moment.

"What a bunch of trash! What use do I have for you? I even gave you the divine weapon, yet you still can't get a single Dragon Ball back."

"Useless people--"