Nine Revolutions Jade Dew Pill

As Fang Qingshan was suspicious of Gu Xi's background and worried that he would cause trouble, he only arranged for a remote courtyard at the back of the mountain and had a few people watch over it. To put it bluntly, it was surveillance.

Gu Xi did not plan to stay here for long. He planned to leave after recuperating for a while and look for a passage to the Eastern Continent. At the same time, he wanted to see if there was a way to recover his spiritual power and cultivation base.

The Ancient Winged Golden King Bug that the System had previously extracted was still in the form of a cocoon. Gu Xi had been carrying it around with him for the past few days and nothing had changed.

If he had spiritual power to nourish it, it would probably break out of the cocoon faster. However, Gu Xi could not help it now.