Escape From Death

'Could it be that this Secret Realm was just a cover?'

This thought appeared in many people's minds.

However, who would waste such a powerful formation just to scare people?

"Continue walking for another 15 minutes. If this is still the case, then we'll return the same way we came," Gu Xi said in a deep voice. He also had some misgivings in his heart.

He did not want to lose his little life just for the sake of an unclear Secret Realm. He will take advantage of the opportunity to retreat now. Who knew if he would not even have the chance to escape later?

Moreover, he had already obtained the Lightning Spirit Pearl when he broke the formation earlier. It could be considered a big harvest for this trip.

Perhaps there would be more unexpected treasures later on, but he still had to be alive to take them.

Su Lian and Qing Xue looked at each other and did not raise any objections.