Mysterious Treasure, Reappearance of the Formation Spirit!

Very quickly, the few of them swept away all the medicinal pills in the room.

In the passageway, a large number of participants were still shuttling through the many rooms, mercilessly taking everything they saw into their pockets.

Everyone's faces were filled with excitement and joy, as if they had long forgotten the grief of the death of their fellow disciples.

Gu Xi and the others did not stay here any longer and headed straight for the end.

At this moment, the tall stone door had already opened, and a huge square appeared in front of Gu Xi and the others.

At the edge of the square, the Vast Expanse Sword Domain, the Raging Fire Valley, and other sects and powers had already gathered here, and their gazes were all fixed on the top of the square.

There, there was a floating ball of light. The ball of light was light green, and there seemed to be something wrapped within it.