Terrifying Defensive Power!

At the same time, the flames above them grew larger and larger. They were at least a thousand feet away. In the end, they really did form a huge Fire Giant.

The Fire Giant was wearing armor made of flames. The patterns on the armor circulated, and a high temperature of nearly a thousand degrees spread out from its body.

The onlookers did not dare to hold back anymore, and the spiritual power in their bodies poured into the barrier in front of them.

Even so, some people could not withstand the high temperature, so they had no choice but to leave.

"It can't isolate the temperature..."

Sensing the high temperature of a thousand degrees around him, Gu Xi frowned slightly.

On the other side, the Fire Giant roared loudly. Thick flames were continuously spewing out of his mouth, all of which landed on the Immeasurable Bell.

Even so, the Immeasurable Bell remained unchanged.