Unexpected Gain: Savage Beast Formation Remnant Scroll!

As the System notification sounded, Gu Xi subconsciously looked at an inconspicuous spot on the wooden shelf.

There was also a jade box there, and one could vaguely see a scroll lying quietly inside.

"This... seems to be a good thing." Gu Xi narrowed his eyes, and he already had a conclusion in his mind.

This jade box looked ordinary, and it could be said that it was no different from the others. However, after the System's examination, Gu Xi could conclude that this was definitely not an ordinary earth-grade spirit array!

There must be a reason behind this!

Gu Xi was still very confident in the System.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and raised his hand to take the jade box and play with it.

"Young Master Gu, do you have your eyes on this spirit array?" behind him, Song Qingluan asked softly.

Gu Xi smiled slightly, and with a flip of his hand, he put the entire jade box into his bag. "This is one."