Into the Night, the Slaughter Begins

Late at night, in the Song Mansion.

A figure silently flashed past, not making the slightest sound, just like a ghost.

Very quickly, Gu Xi left the range of the Song Mansion.

Even though the Song Mansion was heavily guarded, with his own Saint stage strength, he was still able to effortlessly escape.

He spread out his spiritual sense and spread it out in all directions. Soon, Gu Xi raised his eyebrows.

He could sense that there were a large number of cultivators in the vicinity of the Song Mansion, and some of them were even Saints.

Obviously, these were people from the Hu Clan. It was likely that the mysterious man was also somewhere.

Gu Xi did not alarm anyone. He turned his head to look at the Song Mansion behind him with some worry in his heart.

"I wonder if Miss Song has left the Song Family," he muttered to himself. In case of any accidents, he did not stay any longer. With a tap of his toes, he leaped out again.