The Painful Awakening

Song Residence, ruins.

Song Qingluan sat cross-legged with a very calm expression.

On the other hand, Gu Xi, who was sitting behind her, looked somewhat hesitant.

"This awakening... I can't guarantee that it will be 100 percent successful. I can only say that I'll do my best. The pain during the process..." after hesitating for a long time, Gu Xi reminded him again.

"Young Master Gu, just wake up boldly."

"I'm not afraid of a little girl. What's there to be afraid of, Young Master?"

A faint smile appeared on Song Qingluan's calm face, she continued softly, "If it weren't for Young Master Gu's two rescues, I'm afraid that I would have already died long ago. I wouldn't be sitting here safe and sound. Therefore, even if I didn't manage to endure the pain of awakening, Young Master Gu doesn't need to blame himself. Perhaps all of this was predestined."

Song Qingluan naturally understood the hesitation in Gu Xi's heart.