Extraction Successful

In the sky, the nine tails that were wrapping around the Void Devouring Beast suddenly tightened. A loud boom followed, and all the gray space instantly collapsed. An extremely powerful fluctuation spread out at lightning speed.

Wherever the fluctuation touched, the void would distort and collapse. Fortunately, the barrier of the spirit boat was supported by Little Nine's energy, so it was able to survive. Otherwise, with the current defensive level of the barrier, it would have instantly collapsed into nothingness. It would not even have time for the people present to make any effective response.

Even with Little Nine's support, under the impact, the surface of the barrier still rippled, dazzling everyone. One reason was that they could not see what was happening outside.

At this moment, a wisp of tiny gray space quietly left the center of the explosion and darted into the demon beast space on Gu Xi's body at an extremely fast speed.