Going Straight to the Core of the Formation

The vast space seemed to be endless.

The man in green clothes kept moving. Not far behind him, the white fog man was still chasing after him.

This chase had been going on for two hours.

During this period of time, Gu Xi used all kinds of methods to attack the fog people behind him, including spirit skills, spirit arrays, spirit tools, and spirit senses. Although the fog man was immune to most of the attacks, there was still a portion that dealt substantial damage to it -- scattering the fog body.

However, it was only scattered. In the blink of an eye, the originally scattered white fog began to gather again. In a minute, it returned to its original state and once again launched a crazy attack on Gu Xi.

"It seems that this is all you've got." After an unknown amount of time, Bo Ye's voice came from all around again.

There was some ridicule in his voice, as well as some surprise.