Advanced Smoothly, Fulfilling the Bet

On the stage, Zhou Nan's expression was somewhat dull, and he was completely stunned on the spot.

Qing Zhu's casual attack caused him to be unable to resist even after exhausting all of his life's knowledge. A huge sense of defeat surfaced in the bottom of his heart.

He had originally thought that with his talent and strength, he would the strength to fight even if he were to meet those first-rate forces' Favored Sons of Heaven. But now, he seemed so powerless in the hands of a woman. He could only watch helplessly as the soul of the monster ape gradually dissipated under the devouring of the green spiritual energy.

"Why is there no movement from Zhou Nan this time?"

"What's the situation? There can't be any inside information about this competition, right?"

"Absolutely not. The Ten Thousand Demons Valley has made sufficient preparations for this competition. How can there be any inside information? Unless... Unless his opponent is... Too strong..."