Half-Step Great Saint

"If you want me to surrender, you'll have to convince me with pure strength."

Gu Xi's eyes were cold, but there was a smile on his face. A vast spiritual power was constantly surging out of his body, turning everything within a few feet into dust. The pressure of a mid-stage Saint was pouring out without reservation.

Facing the three members of the outer realm, he did not dare to slack off at all. At the same time, he had to end the battle as soon as possible. Even if he could not, he had to get away as soon as possible.

If he stayed here for too long, it was hard to guarantee that nothing would happen to Little Nine. And if Zhan Hong returned to the Zhan Clan, Zhan Wushuang would definitely use the Zhan Clan's power to kill her at all costs!

"If you're so stubborn, then you can go to hell!"

Seeing Gu Xi's attitude, the man snorted coldly.