Breaking With One Finger

The Fist Shadow covering the sky roared down, and the hunched old man stood alone between the Fist Shadow and Gu Xi with his hands behind his back. He ignored the terrifying coercion and raging spiritual power coming toward his face. At this time, the Fist Shadow was only only ten feet.

"Eh? Where did this old man come from?"

"There is a young woman next to her, who is so good-looking."

It was only then did the people in the distance noticed that there were two more figures on the battlefield.

The Fist Shadow was so close that it was clearly reflected in Yun Zhiyi's pupils. He did not move at all the entire time. He just stood still and criticized the so-called Zhan Clan's famous stunt. He looked like a piece of wood.

"Looks like another one is here to spout nonsense. Well then, you'll die here together!"