Announcing the News

In the huge meeting hall, everyone was complaining at the same time.

Tong Shan and Tang Conglin looked a little embarrassed. They quickly ordered the maidservants of the Ten Thousand Treasures Pavilion to calm the crowd down, but it didn't work.

"Since Pavilion master Tong has thought of so many ways to gather us here, you must have something important to announce, right?"

After a while, a middle-aged man stood up and said with a smile.

"There is indeed something very important that I have to inform everyone here. This matter concerns the survival of the entire Eastern continent, so we decided to deceive everyone. I hope everyone can understand."

Tong Shan clasped his hands at the crowd apologetically and continued,"However, this matter is not for the two of us to announce, but for someone else."

With that, the complaints gradually died down. Everyone was confused, clearly not expecting the two to not be the ones who had gathered them.