Meeting the Demonic Race Again

On the hill, Gu Xi slowly stretched his back, and the bones in his body made a series of crackling sounds.

After a few days of searching, he had checked all the teleportation arrays marked on the map, and he did find several arrays with traces of the demonic race. He destroyed all of them without exception. This should have been a happy thing, but at this time, Gu Xi could not lift his mood at all. Instead, he was very worried.

Although he had wiped out a few teleportation arrays that the demonic race had tried to repair and use, this also made Gu Xi realize that the return of the outer realm demonic race had become a 100 percent reality. More importantly, in the invasion, the demonic race would not limit themselves to just the use of these inconspicuous teleportation arrays!

If they wanted to set foot in the territory of the human race again, they would use more than just this obvious method of transportation!