Jumping Out Of Their Social Class

In the small house,

Lu Shan and Lu Shui looked at the middle-aged man with a stern face in front of them with some trepidation.

Today. Lu Shan and Lu Shui had gone to school at the Lunan City Second High School.

After classes ended, they went for their regular testing. Lu Shan was a Grade 3 Martial Arts Warrior while Lu Shui was Grade 4. Both students' test results caused quite an uproar.

Before this, only a dozen or so students reached Grade 3 Martial Arts Warrior in the Lunan City Second High School. As for Grade 4 Martial Arts Warrior, there was only one student who qualified.

All of a sudden, the school had one more Grade 3 and Grade 4 Martial Arts Warrior, and it inevitably caused quite a commotion.

All the classmates were shocked at Lu Shan and Lu Shui's abilities, and some tried to cozy up to them.