
Looking at Lu Shan and Lu Shui's eager faces, Giovanna could guess that their awakening process had gone very well.

"How was it?" Giovanna asked gently.

Lu Shan and Lu Shui exchanged glances. Both could not contain their excitement anymore and gushed out,

"I hit the Grade 3 Martial Arts Warrior level, just one step away from Grade 4."

"I am already a Grade 4 Martial Arts Warrior!"

As Giovanna listened to them, she was stunned momentarily. Then shock overcame her.

Lu Shan and Lu Shui, who were not even Martial Arts Warriors before last night, not only awakened successfully overnight and became martial arts warriors, but also improved their strength by so much at once!

With the strength of the Grade 3 and 4 Martial Arts Warrior, they were already considered geniuses in their schools.