Hu Chenge's Fury

A video clip was spreading like wildfire on the web. Within a few hours, the views hit counter exceeded the one million mark. At this momentum, it would not be long before the figure broke through the ten million mark.

In the video clip, the view was showing the interior of a room that was under surveillance inside the Southern Seas Hotel. Although the face of the person being monitored was blurred out and his facial features could not be seen clearly, it was still enough to shock every cultivator.

Immediately after that, the view seamlessly cut to another scene. It showed the Shadow Guards charging out to kill the person being monitored. Although the voices had been edited out and could no longer be heard, the cultivators watching the video could still feel the kind of danger the person being monitored in the video was facing.

After the video clip ended, a short silence followed. Then there was a complete uproar!