Chapter 483: Survival Rule, Mo Ye Clan



"When a Mo Ye is born, it signifies a brutal beginning. The Mo Ye species does not reproduce frequently, but every birth yields numerous siblings, possibly more than twenty. "

"Mo Ye is simultaneously the least and most responsible demon beast species towards their offspring. After giving birth, they nurse their offspring once, then immediately place all of the offspring together, forcing them to duel."

"Why is this? The reason is quite simple, a pair of adult Mo Ye cannot possibly raise that many offspring. The food and protection they can provide can only sustain one or two offspring's growth. To perpetuate this warrior species, adult Mo Yes must select one or two of the healthiest offspring from twenty in this cruel manner..."

"The eliminated Mo Yes won't be killed by the adult Mo Ye. The adult Mo Ye will randomly abandon these deficient Mo Yes in different places, leaving them to survive on their own..."