Chapter 1309: Frenzy, the Black Nightmare Demon Descends!

Ye Wansheng and Chao Lengchuan had already made their way outside the house. At this time, a Divine Sect member named Wan Jun and another member were stealthily infiltrating the front courtyard of the Mountain Villa, hoping to capture these two extremely wicked people undetected.

However, just as they had slipped in, Ye Wansheng and Chao Lengchuan nonchalantly walked out.

"It... it's those two!"

Seeing their enemies made their blood boil, and Wan Jun immediately cried out!

People outside soon realized that the two had failed in their covert infiltration. Fortunately, they directly stormed in, since a barrier had been erected throughout the entire Purple Peak, and the other members of the Demon Beast Palace could not know what was happening here.

Two Demon Spirits stood in the courtyard garden, gnashing their fierce fangs and staring down Ye Wansheng and Chao Lengchuan with their fierce green eyes as if facing a formidable enemy.