Chapter 6 - New Horizons (3)


Mell banged on the door of Evan's apartment impatiently. "If you don't open up, I'm gonna bust this door down!" She called out, pressing her ear closer to the door.


She banged on the door again, this time harder.

"Evan, don't ignore me!"


She stepped back, contemplating whether or not to actually kick the door down. Just as she lifted her leg to do so, she quietly heard a few dragged out thumps and shuffling starting from the other side of the door, getting closer by the second. With a jingle and a snap the door opened, showing Evan's gaunt and messy figure.

"Geez, what's wrong with you?" Without hesitation Mell pushed her way inside, scowling at his appearance. 

She made her way into Evan's bedroom and flopped down tiredly on his bed.

"Ahhh, you will never believe what I managed to get this time 'round."

Evan leaned against the doorframe of his bedroom with his arms crossed, watching her with deeply tired eyes.

She met his gaze, incredulous. "Seriously, you're not even going to ask?"


She frowned, his silence was starting to irritate her...

Mell sat up and immediately started dropping her new-found goods in her inventory onto the carpet. She had brought the usual cans of food, random materials like clothes, rocks, etc., but a few new items stood out. Two pistols and a shotgun with their corresponding ammo fell heavily onto the pile.

She giggled mischievously. "Lookie here, some new guns for me and you." She picked up the shotgun and tossed it in his direction. He reluctantly caught it before it struck him. "This shotgun is yours, I'm gonna keep the pistols."

"Wow..." Evan said, his tone lackluster.

She scoffed. "Dude, seriously, what is wrong with you? You weren't like this before."

A fraction of a smile formed on his lips as he released a soft, airy "heh", turning his gaze towards the floor. "You've never met me before."

"So you usually start your Playthroughs moping around like a pathetic pig?"

Evan silently place the shotgun in his inventory. "There's no point."

"No point to what?"

Evan waved a hand. "All of this."

Mell glared, her tone icy. "What do you mean?"

"...We don't stand a chance. Even if we make it past the..." Evan nervously swallowed, his eyes trembling, "6th Floor," He forced out, "what then? We don't have the strength."

"Then we get strength." Mell growled. "How many times have I told you? I'm a Constellation that has cleared multiple Towers. This Tower stands no chance."

Evan sighed, shaking his head. "And yet, here we are."

"Are you trying to pick a fight? Because if so you're succeeding."

"Does everything have to be a fight to you?"

"And does everything have to be hopeless to you?" Mell snapped back.

Evan frowned, sighing.

"Look, you can either stand around and do nothing but mope, or you can help me conquer this Tower. There is no third option."


A series of knocks interrupted their argument.

"Sherwood Police Department!"

Mell laid back down on the bed. "You take care of that."


Admittedly, the prospect of rushing back to work was a tempting one--that, Doug couldn't deny. However, after getting a good night's rest, and getting ready for another set of mini-games in the morning, Doug had come to a decision. He was in no shape to return to work. What happened last night, with that strange blue window, was like a sign. He needed rest. Whatever that was, be it a sleep-deprived delusion or some kind of episode, required a stress-free environment. And possibly a visit to the doctor...

It wouldn't benefit Rob or the Police Department if he returned to work in the condition he was in. If he didn't get better during his time off... 

Doug ran his fingers in his hair, staring at his phone, scrolling through videos and comments on Witter.

He paused when he stumbled upon a strange comment.

"WARNING: The gates of Hell has opened, our souls left free to eternal judgment. Say System out loud ten times to not go to Hell. You have to send this message to twenty people before the end of the week or else the souls of your family will be sent to Hell. Hurry!"

"What in the chain mail nonsense?" Doug scowled.

He scrolled through the replies, perplexed by what he found.



"Yo, we in a video game now boys."


"I told you this day would come! I told you! This is what you all get for not repenting for your sins!"

"Does the government know about this?"


"How come I'm Level 1? I should at least be Level 3."

"Lmao skill issue."

"You wanna go? 1v1 me."

"How do I Level up?"

Doug paused upon reading some of the replies. Are they... talking about the strange blue window per chance? He typed out a reply.

"Wait, you guys seriously saw it too? That strange blue window?"

Someone replied less than ten seconds later.

"It's the only god damn thing I can see man."

"Yo, you can change the color." Some else replied.

That set off another chain reaction.


"This System is actually kinda cool."

"I'm changing mine to green."

"Are we able to combine colors?"

"Can I draw on it?"

"Can I change it to a gif?"


"Can I change it to a meme?"

"Can I change?"

"Idk, can you?"

"Can I?"



"You guys suck."


Doug chewed on the dead skin on his lip. "System." He whispered. He studied the blue window and then glanced back at the comments. "Color change to... green."

Following that command, the System window changed to an ugly, bright shade of green. He winced at the imagery and closed the System. So... he wasn't the only one who saw this thing... What does this mean? Is this really a sign of Hell?

Doug found it hard to believe. However... what else could describe this strange situation? The only other options would be Aliens or some kind of dark dystopian novel-esque plot where all Humans on Planet Earth had chips implanted in their brains unknowingly.

Doug returned to the Homepage on Witter, shocked to see the Article Headline that was pinned to the top. "Strange New Window: What Does it Mean and What Does the President Plan to do About it."

He quickly scoured through the article. To make a long story short, they had no idea either what was going on and were actively investigating. How long that was going to take was indefinite. 

Doug felt a slight headache begin to form. Knowing how this would play out, when he returned from his break, he would have a lot of work to catch up on. In the first place, how would one even begin to investigate this situation? 

It was a strange blue window that anyone anywhere could access that just popped out of the blue one day. Not one group or person staked a claim to its creation and its origins were a mystery. It wasn't something that held any historical significance either. So to find a starting point would be a mystery in-and-of-itself.

"Hey Doug!" Allison called out from the Hotel Room door.

"What's up?" Doug answered reflexively. 

"Let's get going, Emma wants to try that fishing game! You gotta win her a goldfish."


Doug closed the app on his phone and rushed out the door, not forgetting his jacket. He hurriedly joined Allison and Emma in the elevator.

"I want two fishies!" Emma demanded, sipping from a "Lake's" souvenir cup.

Allison shrugged, helplessly.

Doug leaned in close to Allison and whispered, just quiet enough that Emma wouldn't notice. "Did you check Witter today?"

Allison raised an eyebrow. "No. Why?"

"I'll tell you later on tonight."

Doug leaned back and pinched his eyebrows.

It was better to inform Allison later on tonight. Emma, despite being young, was quick to catch onto things. If both adults had sour moods on this trip, then no doubt Emma would be effected too. It was better that he remained the gloomy one in the group. 

Besides, he had no idea how he would explain the situation to Allison. His original way of discovering the System sounded crazy by itself. He also couldn't tell her he followed a chain mail message on Witter because that, too, sounded equally insane.

And what if he did try to show Allison and it just didn't work for her? Like she was immune? What then? And if that actually turned out to be the case, what would it mean?

Doug groaned, burying his face in his hands. He needed to clear his thoughts and focus on the now. He'd think about the rest at work.

"So," Doug started, trying to distract himself from his thoughts, "what were you planning on naming your goldfish, Emma?"

Emma giggled excitedly.