"I have no intention to make you think of something more, just chill and take it easy child. There will always be rainbows after the storm, you will probably see it." Stella said before leaving him with so many things to think of, however, after that he tried his best to make himself feel better before facing his friends. There will come a time that he will go and make things clear, and the time is running out for him. He is sure that they will ask him at any moment once they are all ready to face reality. He is just hoping now that whatever it is, the results will be good for him and for them.

After some minutes more of preparation, he went to the main base and found them but he couldn't see them anywhere, even in the triplets room where he thought they were resting because of what happened earlier to Ivory. He decided to look around the main base before taking a walk on the field. 

"Hey." Steel approaches him. He smiled a bit, an awkward one.