Level 60 Precursor Raid (2)

Before a raid started, no matter how low or high the chance of success was, a loot order was established in order to prevent players from climbing over each other to get the loots. Loot order was made specifically for end-game equipment that dropped after the boss was defeated. The amount varied from 1 to 3, and the ones on top of the list got to loot first. Scrolls and potions on the other side were usually sold by the raid organizer and the sale profit was then split evenly among players.

Raid participants tended to stick to the loot order and politely stepped away from the loots as soon as the raid concluded. This was done out of fear of exclusion from future raids after they were branded as thieves. This was especially the case when players got the chance to run with elite groups. News spread quickly, and a bad reputation lived for as long as the player played the game. In this case, for a whole life spent within Afterlife Dream.