
The palms of my hands went sweaty from dread. I believed that I knew what HinoKun wanted to say.

"What, exactly, are you trying to say?" ArrowRain asked with a clearly irritated tone.

HinoKun's face darkened.

"Do I need to spell it out?" he asked in no less irritated tone.

"What is going on here?" Ingenious' voice was heard. The crowd of players parted one more time to let him, Aurendiria, and Cecilia pass.

"Our guild's Suzuran, MaiseyChi, and Rankichi have disappeared from the game after visiting the Lava County map with Twelve's Antares and DragonTalon. It is rather eerie that of eight people, only two of them returned safely."

"Eerie how?" Ingenious asked with a raised eyebrow.

SakuraChan shot me and DragonTalon a sharp look, then she said what I had been dreading to hear and at the same time what had been going on in everyone's minds.